Page 10 - Luce 2015
P. 10
From the Vice-Principal
From the Vice-Principal (Students)
When interviewing prospective students Our residential tutors supported our
to join the Janet Clarke Hall community, students wonderfully well throughout
I always ask the same question, ‘Why the year while also continuing to
Janet Clarke Hall?’ In response, students achieve great success in their own
make reference to the outstanding professional fields.
academic culture, the supportive
pastoral care and the numerous This year Julia Hastings (2010)
opportunities available to them through commenced studies at the Australian
the student club. Above all, however, National Academy of Music (ANAM)
is the strong sense of community that where she is a full scholarship holder
draws students to apply to Janet Clarke and currently participating in the
Hall. I am fascinated by how this sense Academy’s Professional Performance
of community is conveyed and from Program. Highlights of Julia’s career
where it originates. I too was struck this year have been performing recitals
by this sense of community when my with New Zealand pianist Michael
husband Xavier and I first entered Houstoun, with Australian pianists Cranbourne Artist-in-Residence Alice
the College in 2011. I found myself Timothy Young and Stewart Kelly, Pung and Vice-Principal (Students)
thinking of all of the young scholars and with the Aurora Orchestra from Mrs Fiona Cadorel at the Laurinda
who had once walked the corridors and the United Kingdom, as well as solo book launch
had called JCH their home. I sensed performances at Government House,
that I was entering into a very special Beleura House and South Melbourne for borderline personality disorder.
community. A community that not only Town Hall. Julia was awarded the Enid Catherine and her husband Jamie hope
encourages and inspires individuals to Joske Memorial Scholarship for her to open a pain treatment centre in early
relish in their academic growth but also significant contribution to the life of the 2015.
empowers the development of their College and the wider community.
independent self, their resilience and Xavier Cadorel commenced the year
their moral compass. Dr Catherine Hart created and wrote by becoming lecturer for the subject
a degree level module designed to Environmental Building Systems. We
Three years on, one of the joys of my teach clinical myotherapists about congratulate Xavier for being awarded
role is to travel alongside the students the neuropsychology involved in pain an AUSMIP grant to pursue his research
as they navigate their way through their management, for Southern School of for 3 months in Paris. Xavier’s research
studies while they transition into their Natural Therapy. This module is at the focused on building efficiency and
independent adult lives. I am privileged forefront of clinical practice and is one looked at how Europe has implemented
to be able to discuss with them their of the first in the country to be teaching strict regulations towards building
aspirations for the future, to encourage myotherapists about the importance efficiency to meet the Kyoto targets of
them to tap into their academic tenacity of a biopsychosocial approach to reducing Co2 emissions by 2050. This
and to strive to be their better selves. persistent pain treatments. This year, year Xavier assisted the JCH students
I am inspired by their conversations Catherine also established her own in establishing the community bike
and I am delighted when I see students private practice specialising in both scheme, which provides students who
achieve their goals both academically persistent (chronic) pain treatment don’t own a bike with the opportunity
and personally. and Dialectical Behaviour Therapy to use a JCH community bike.
Hamish Brown (2007) joined the
residential tutor team this year to
tutor in Physics. Hamish is currently
completing his PhD in Physics. He must
be congratulated on the submission of
his paper on the first direct imaging of
a crystalline surface using secondary
electron imaging to the journal Nature
Materials. A highlight of Hamish’s year
was his participation in the JCH men’s
rowing eight. His passion for academic
excellence combined with his College
spirit has been a wonderful addition to
the tutor team.
Vice-Principal (Studies) Mrs Donna
Davies and College Fellow Dr Fiona
Caro at the Leadership Dinner
10 LUCE Number 13 2014