Page 24 - Luce 2015
P. 24
News & Events
about themes of identity
and belonging. She also
gave talks for Victoria
University’s Rotunda in
the West program, Les
Twentyman’s 20th Man
leadership program, and
for the Mildura Writers
Festival. She wrote articles
about education for the Age
newspaper, and chapters
for books including Bully for
Alice Pung & John Marsden In December the College was
privileged to host the launch of
the Seraphim Trio’s Beethoven
In 2014 the College once again hosted in Melbourne project. In a
events showcasing the talents of our world premier, members of
Cranbourne Artist-in-Residence the audience were invited to
Alice Pung, and our Kenneth Moore sit within the Trio (featuring
Memorial Music Scholar Dr Anna Kenneth Moore Memorial Music
Goldsworthy. These events were in Scholar Dr Anna Goldsworthy,
keeping with the College’s desire to Dr Helen Ayres, and Mr Tim
contribute, through these programs, Nankervis) as it performed in an
to the wider artistic life of the city and immersive experience previously
the University. While Alice’s book has known only to concert performers
made headlines for its examination of themselves. Following an exceptional
the racial and class politics at work in concert guests were offered a second Student Club Vice-President and
elite private schools, Anna continues immersive experience of the Trio Scolarest Scholar Stephanie Noack
to draw praise for her work as Artistic through a multimedia, three dimensional organised a highly successful ‘Women
Director of the Port Fairy Spring Music virtual performance created by Anton in Conversation’ event for the Women’s
Festival. Andrecchio. Melbourne Network, hosted in the
Senior Common Room and featuring
In October the College was honoured 2014 was a stellar year for Anna, who Dr Leslie Cannold and Artist-in-
to host the launch of Alice’s much- appeared widely as a solo pianist Residence Alice Pung
anticipated first book of fiction, around Australia, including at the
Laurinda. Launching Alice’s book to Keyed Up Series in Perth, the Noosa
a capacity audience was eminent Long Weekend Festival, the Peninsula
Australian writer John Marsden, Summer Festival, the Margaret River
who spoke of the popular genre of Weekend of Music and with the
fiction set in schools. Alice went on Melbourne Chamber Orchestra.
to speak of her own varied schooling She collaborated with sopranos
background, providing insights when Sara MacIiver and Jane Sheldon, the
she wrote Laurinda, which centres on Australian String Quartet, and her
the observant Lucy Lam and her trials trio, Seraphim, in the eighth year of its
and tribulations in an exclusive school national series.
for girls. As always, Alice had a bag of
anecdotes, although she coyly avoided In July, Anna launched her fifth Port
suggesting which school her novel might Fairy Spring Music Festival, Voyage, also
have been based on. at Janet Clarke Hall. Anna was a guest
at Adelaide Writers’ Week, and hosted
Laurinda capped off a busy 2014 for the opening night of the international
Alice. Earlier in the year she joined colloquium ‘Traverses: J.M. Coetzee in
indigenous author Anita Heiss to the World’ at the University of Adelaide.
lead writers, journalists and artists Her essay on reclamation linguistics,
protesting the proposed government ‘Voices of the Land,’ was selected as
amendment to section 18C of the one of the Monthly’s best essays of
Racial Discrimination Act. Alice spoke 2014.
on bigotry at the Melbourne Writers
Festival (televised on ABC’s Big Ideas),
continued her talks at secondary schools
around the country and conducted
workshops at the Immigration Museum
24 LUCE Number 13 2014