Page 27 - Luce 2015
P. 27

fro m the A rchives

            1950s:  Lyn, Lady Garland (Jamieson, 1955) and Frances   1970s: As with tennis, JCH has had significant success
            Murray (Low Chow, 1955) donated photos from their time   since women joined the intercollegiate rowing regatta.
            in College to the archives, with some wonderful images   The Women’s Regatta began in the 1950s when members
            from student days in the 1950s – including of Mary Tyler   of Janet Clarke Hall (as 2014 Intercollegiate Regatta notes)
            (Mackney, 1955) (left) Mary Young (Tait, 1955) (centre) and   ‘decided it was about time that women had a race of their
            Lyn (right) having fun in the Melbourne General Cemetery   own’.  The College dominated over the early decades of the
            after Chapel, and of a Rabelaisian Hockey Match against   women’s race – and as these images from 1971 suggests,
            Trinity c. 1957.                                   a winning culture was mixed with a sense of fun on the
                                                               banks of the Yarra.

                                                                A powerhouse eight (left to right) Jenny Webb, Jenny Ross,
                                                                Diane Cameron, Alison Finlay, Robyn Vines, Laurie Patrick,
                                                                Brenda Grabsch, Diane Jane Rouse (all 1970) and cox Bill
                                                                Harbison (Trinity).

            Relaxing in the cementary

                                                                1972 post win celebrations

            Hockey match                                        Cast in to the Yarra

                                                                                                  J anet Clarke Hall  27
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