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Frances Joyce Leigh Elizabeth Waters (Trinca) née Ashbolt Vivienne Neale
10 April 1927 – 14 November 2014 3 April 1926 - 27 September 2014 17 December 1917 – 6 July 2014
Joyce Leigh (1945) spent her early Elizabeth Ashbolt (1945) grew up in Vivienne Neal (1935) was a talented
years in Highton in sight of the softly Tasmania. She went to Fahan School student who, like many alumnae of
rolling grassy Barrabool Hills that were in Hobart and later, to Clyde School in her generation, forwent a professional
home to many of her father’s people. Victoria. She enrolled at the University of career and devoted her life to family
She came to JCH after time as a Prefect Melbourne in 1945 and was a resident of and voluntary work. Born in Hawthorn
at the Hermitage, Church of England JCH from 1945-1948, graduating with a in December 1917, Vivienne’s family
Girls Grammar School, living in College Bachelor of Science in 1948. moved between England and Australia
and gaining her Bachelor of Arts with in her early years, attending Tintern
honours in 1948. She married Dr Geoffrey Trinca in 1951 (then in Hawthorn) before entering JCH
and settled in Melbourne, where they as a seventeen year old in 1935. With
Over the next two years Joyce brought up a family of three sons. Some a gift for languages, she studied French,
obtained a Diploma of teaching at the years after the death of Geoffrey, Elizabeth German, Italian and Latin and remained
Associated Teachers Training College in married Hal Waters. in College throughout her degree,
Malvern and was a secondary teacher graduating with honours in Arts in
at Korowa in Glen Iris. In 1951 Joyce Elizabeth was always a loyal and 1938. While comfortably middle class,
became secretary to the Educational enthusiastic supporter of JCH. She was she was fired by a desire to help others
Manager at the publishing house an active member of the Trinity Women’s less privileged - which led her to join
Longmans Green & Co, moving to Society which was renamed the Janet the Communist Party briefly during her
Hawthorn to live with her mother. Clarke Hall Past Students’ Society in 1968. university years.
She served on the JCH Society Committee
While still at school Joyce had become for many years and was active in assisting Upon graduation Viv worked in
interested in the Student Christian the College in fundraising appeals and in administrative roles for the wool
Movement, and in 1954 she became organising past student reunions. exporters Dewey and Co. and then the
Business and Literature Secretary of the Vacuum Oil Company in the early war
Australian chapter with responsibility years. In 1942 she met John Silcock
for communications and being while he was on leave from the 6th
instrumental in the organisation of a battalion 2nd AIF: they were married on
National Conference. 1 June 1946.
After 14 years in administration with Viv’s concern for social wellbeing
the SCM Joyce became a clerical never left her, nor did her academic
assistant in the Psychology and interests. Having quit work to raise
Guidance branch of the Education a family (as mother to George and
Department of Victoria for a year. Andrew, born in 1948 and 1951), she
Then, in 1971, Joyce’s love of teaching completed a Diploma of Social Studies
led her to become a secondary teacher while volunteering as a driver for Meals
at Strathcona Baptist Girls Grammar in on Wheels, and as a social worker for
Canterbury for five years. From 1975 the Australian-German Welfare Society,
until her retirement in 1989 she was here assisting newly arrived immigrants
Admissions Officer at the Institute of with English translation. Well known
Early Childhood Development. in the German community in Victoria,
Viv’s skills were widely called upon for
Joyce became a member of The drafting and proof reading.
Lyceum Club in Melbourne in 1952
where she performed voluntary roles From 1977 to 1987 she served as a It is perhaps no surprise that she was an
regarding the membership over the member of the College Council and was avid reader, who also enjoyed travelling
following years. Chair of Executive and Finance Committee widely in Europe, where her language
from 1981 – 1987. She gave most skills were a considerable asset. Among
In her retirement, Joyce continued generously of her time and management other organisations Viv maintained
to help and enjoy the company of expertise. During the year of celebration friendships established through the
her many friends, particularly at the of the JCH Centenary Elizabeth was a RSPCA, the National Trust, the Friends
Lyceum Club, which she had joined in member of the committee responsible of the Royal Botanic Gardens, and the
1952, and also through the Church. for organising the Centenary Dinner and State Library of Victoria. An accredited
other events. translator, in later life she joined the
Italian Circle at the Lyceum Club, and
After her retirement from Council, she was still translating English to Italian and
continued to support JCH and never back as her Lyceum ‘homework’ at 92
lost interest in its progress. She was a years of age.
regular visitor to the concerts and reunion
dinners. The outstanding contribution of
Elizabeth Waters to Janet Clarke Hall is
deeply appreciated.
28 LUCE Number 13 2014