Page 30 - Luce 2015
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Gifts a nd Bequests

          The College is deeply grateful to the following   The funds provided by donors allowed the following
          philanthropic bodies for their support of scholarships   College scholarships to be awarded in 2014:
          offered in 2014:
                                                            Chair of Council’s Scholar  N McDougall Scholar
                                                            Shanishta Rajendra        Ambica Golyala
          The Compass Group (Scolarest)
          The Invergowrie Foundation                        Principal’s Scholar       Sarah Stock Scholars
          The May Dunn Trust                                Elizabeth Barnes-Keoghan  Grace Fulton
                                                                                      Samantha Hiew
          The Peggy and Leslie Cranbourne Foundation        Janet, Lady Clarke Scholar
          The Trust Company Limited                         Shashinara Rajendra       GM Turner Scholar
                                                                                      Imogen Martin
          The Vera Moore Foundation
                                                            May Dunn Scholars
          The William Angliss (Victoria) Charitable Fund    Elizabeth Barnes-Keoghan  Constance Tisdall Memorial
          The family of Cecily Faith Statham                Kelly Widdows             Scholar
                                                                                      Georgina Kirkham
          An anonymous Trust                                William Angliss Scholars
                                                            Andrew Groch              AF Bage Scholar
          The College is also deeply grateful to alumni and friends   Amelia Heinrich  Jasper Little
          who donated books to the College collection, and who
          gave of their time and money to the College in 2014.   Invergowrie Scholars  L Lewis Scholar
                                                            Kelsey Hayes
                                                                                      Olivia Norris
                                                            Alexandra Teuben
          It acknowledges donations received from:                                    G Maudsley Scholar
                                                            Scolarest Scholars        Kirsten Sugden
                                                            Thomas Hampel
          Dr Sally Adams           Mrs Elizabeth Meredith   Stephanie Noack           B McKenzie Scholar
                                                                                      Shawn Chen
          Dr Terri Allen           Mrs Susan Morgan         Kenneth Moore Memorial Music
          Hon Rosemary Balmford AM  Mrs Louise Morris       Scholar                   Yvonne Aitken Scholar
          Mrs Constance Barber     Prof Robert Nicol        Toni Meehan                Lucilla Ronai
          Miss Robyn Broad         Mrs Elizabeth Oliver
          Dr Fiona Caro            Ms Katherine Parker      First in Family Scholars  A M White
                                                            Sarah Dilges              Rhea Bhagat
          Miss Meredith Creightmore  Dr Mary Playford
                                                            Sarina Holmlund
          Mrs Rosalie Dance        Miss Deborah Pugh                                  Janet Clarke Hall Scholars
          Dr Marsali Dening        Ms Margaret Richardson   Cecily Faith Statham Scholar  Jevon Fulbrook
          Ms Virginia Duigan       Ms Jennifer Ross         Mason Peter               Matthew Correy
          Dr Betty Elliott (ADD    Ms Sally Salter                                    Laura Main
                                                            Vera Moore Scholars       Molly Price
          DECEASED CROSS)          Dr Heather Seymour AO
                                                            Laura Bennett             Aasha Riordan
          Mrs Jaan Enden           Dr Catherine Smith, in memory
                                                            Chloe Dallas              Michael Shearman
          Mrs Floranne Everson     of Mildred Barnard (Prentice)  Nathan Booth        Annie Wong
          Dr Barbara Fary OAM      Dr Jennifer Strauss AM   Christine Ebbs
          Prof Ruth Fincher AM     Mr Jack Tan              Hannah Glazebrook         Janet Clarke Hall Entrance
          Miss Joyce Francis       Mr Andrew Trevorrow      Grant Hardisty            Scholars
                                                            Joshua Hooke              Alyse Faith
          Mrs Angela Grutzner      Ms Jennie Vaughan
                                                            Jemma McDougall           Geoffrey Goerling
          Mr Hugh Gundlach         Mrs Barbara Ward-Ambler  Liam Motton               Jean Huang
          Mrs Alexandra Hamilton   Ms Pera Wells            Mitchell Naughton         Esme Keogh
          Dr Margaret Henderson OBE  Prof Judith Whitworth AC  Laura Remyn            Tabitha Yeoh
          Mr Willliam Jobling      Ms Christine Wilson      Meg Seller
                                                            Susan Skinner             Enid Joske Centenary Scholar
          Ms Patricia Leslie
                                                            Thomas Skinner            Ms Julia Hastings
          Mrs Penny Lewisohn       The residents of Redmond Park
                                                            Tahlia Sugrue
          Mrs Jill Loton           Retirement Village, in memory   Damian Testa       Peggy and Leslie Cranbourne
          Dr Katherine Lubbe       of Mrs Phyllis Fry                                 Artist-in-Residence
          Dr Margaret Lush                                  Janet Clarke Hall Society    Ms Alice Pung
          Dr Fiona Maslen          Anonymous donors         Scholar
                                                            Jordan Neighbour          Kenneth Moore Memorial Music
          Dr Heather McKenzie
                                                            AR Grice Scholar          Dr Anna Goldsworthy
                   The College has endeavoured to report    Verity Johnson
                accurately on all donations and apologises for                        Anonymous bursary recipients
                    any errors or omissions in this list.   M Buesst Scholar          (College bursaries are kept
                                                            Aisha de Barros Lopes     confidential to the College, the
                                                                                      donor and the recipient).

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