Page 7 - 이귀화 개인전 2022. 12. 7 – 12. 13 장은선갤러리
P. 7

Meaning of freedom sublimated in nature

                   Among the components of a work of art, content is essential, and the concept of this content can be examined in
                   two meanings. One is an expression as a form of sensory phenomena of aesthetic objects, which means an internal
                   psychological structure. Another is the case of referring to a world of phenomena expressed in imitation art or descriptive
                   art. Lee artist deeply satisfies these two meanings. His favorite theme is Freedom, which mainly refers to liberation from
                   restraint or bondage, but deals with the meaning of freedom free from sin as a spiritual perspective rather than physical
                   and physical sanctions or form. Knowing the truth, the word that truth will free you(john8;32)is highlighting in nature. It
                   is also to disvover and praise the love and grace of Jesus(John 14;6), who became true, in a trivial weed. This can be said
                   to be a jewel-like result obtained from the artist's experience of hardship, representing God's voice(Rom 1;20) shown in all

                   Early on, Rousseau emphasizes the word return to nature in his booklet Emile, which is a word that can be accepted by
                   those who have suffered heavy sin or terrible things in the world, and where nature captures the truth without God's
                   love and lies. Because it's a natural thing. I think that the artist's wisdom, which is read in grass that cannot but be
                   inadvertently overlooked, is God's grace to the loved one rather than considering it as his own ability.

                   It is a gift from a writer who has been taking care of and serving a weedlike neighborhood for more than 20 years. In the
                   picture, we can read the story. The grasses that have laid their bodies down by the wind are teaching how to live humbly
                   in compliance with God's will. and plants that have not lost their vitality are breathing in them, which seem disorderly.
                   God, who carefully cared about everything so small and created everything, is the foundation and life, so the invisible air
                   and wind are still acting as the Holy Spirit’s ability to bring life to life, and the water and sunlight permeating the roots are
                   enduring with unwavering power. Originally, freedom can be proved by the value of existence of life and can follow its

                   What this world sees stems from not appearing, and that is what is worth existing. It can be interpreted that this is
                   because of the love of God in the all things and because of his deep heart to give new wishes to lives such as weeds
                   abandoned on the outskirts within the category of relationships. In addition, the free formative beauty of grass leaves
                   shown in large works is an expression of harmony that has been formed with the love of the poor living through the years
                   of hardship. These works have greater appeal than colorful flowers or magnificent tree.

                   In a way, the artist, who carefully expressed such a small livelihood in the work, expresses that true freedom is truly
                   freedom to learn from nature by abandoning and lowering me without greed, and emphasizes that it is love and life.

                                                                                             - Art critic Jung Jau Gyu

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