Page 9 - 이귀화 개인전 2022. 12. 7 – 12. 13 장은선갤러리
P. 9

A feast of colors that let you hear the voice of nature

                   In modern art, which becomes art when I call it art, the high and low dimensions of artistry disappear, and only colorful
                   diversity and individuality coexist. Therefore, I think that criticism of the work is not an evaluation, but a taste as it is given
                   to the subjectivity of the viewer.

                   Before facing Lee's works, I expected that the paintings displayed would be flower paintings that I had seen before, but
                   fortunately, they were not flower paintings, a very common theme.

                   Several pictures sent by e-mail seemed to be everywhere as we walked through nature, and literally weeds or grass leaves
                   were scattered randomly as we stepped on without thinking. However, it was not a painting in the traditional sense, but
                   an abstract architecture of various senses. The smell of grass and the nabuki of grass are low voices, and furthermore,
                   the sadness of the grass's heart grass is reflected. It is no exaggeration to say that this is not grass, but an abstract dotted
                   surface that can be cooked and cooked by the artist as a green plane mass and thrown into the chest of the viewer as it is
                   and eaten as it is.

                   Green is the most tranquil color in the middle of black and white, and according to Kandinsky, it's like a full bull that
                   doesn't have to move because it's too self-sufficient, and Mondrian is a humble color that exists everywhere on Earth, not
                   a tricolor.Her paintings are peaceful, moderate, and non-spattering. It looks even more moderate because it maintains a
                   traditional flat frame of pure brushing, not collage.

                   For her, who is buried in nature and works, green will be the safest and warmest hometown-like color. The colored
                   cotton balls may be her familiar art material for the time being, like a video by writer Paik Nam-joon. Perhaps the endless
                   series of line segments of colored cotton is a noble monochromatic sea that attracts us into infinite nature and space.
                   The wriggling of life in the beginning of the painting, a mixture of light blue and light red, is distant and makes you feel
                   familiar, although it is still unknown. I look forward to the nature of the chameleon, which is always changing without
                   being bound by one style. As Picasso said, drawing like nature as if there were no repetitions in nature.

                   In the writer's note, she says. "Listen to the sound of grass." I can hear the fragrant voice of grass in the work.I can imagine
                   a writer who draws according to the sound and modestly governs his or her life.

                                                                                   -  Doctor of Philosophy, Cho Jungok.

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