Page 22 - 한국파스텔화협회 국제교류전 및 파스텔화 공모대전 2022. 9. 14 – 9. 19 갤러리라메르
P. 22


                                                                                    Plantae Aquatiques_80×70cm

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                       Pirkko Makela-Haapalinna (핀란드 남서부 투르쿠에 살며 활동하는 작가)
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                       •Pirkko Makela-Haapalinna is a Finnish artist living and working in south-west Finland, Turku. For over a decade she
                       lived in Lapland. She works mainly with pastels and her art has been acknowledged by the grants of Arts Promotion
                       Centre Finland and the Finnish Cultural Foundation. She has had several solo exhibitions in Finland and participated
                       in many international exhibitions where her works have also been rewarded. Makela-Haapalinna is a PSA Master
                       Pastelist, a member of the Finnish Painters' Union and Artists' Associations of Lapland and Turku. Her works move
                       from landscapes and figures towards abstraction. Her paintings have an ethereal atmosphere. She is searching for the
                       tangible surface between the inner and the observable worlds. She gets ignited when something gets a metaphorical
                       meaning bridging the soul and reason. Pirkko Makela-Haapalinna has worked in the collections of Rovaniemi City and
                       Jenny and Antti Wihuri collection in Rovaniemi Art Museum.
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