Page 25 - 한국파스텔화협회 국제교류전 및 파스텔화 공모대전 2022. 9. 14 – 9. 19 갤러리라메르
P. 25


                                                                                      Sunset over the Braco Road_50×60cm

                                              Tony Allain (영국, 스코틀랜드에서 작업. 국제적인 파스텔리스트)

                     •Award winning painter, instructor and author Tony Allain was born and raised on the small island of Guernsey in the
                     Channel Islands. He has exhibited in many national and international exhibitions including with The Pastel Society of
                     America in New York, the  Royal Society of Marine Artists, London, The International Pastel Exhibition, Suzhou, China
                     and the Pastel Society, Mall Galleries, London.
                     •He is a member of The Pastel Society, London,UK
                     A member of The Royal Society of Marine Artists, London, UK
                     A signature member of the Pastel Society of America
                     A member of the Eminent Pastelist of the International Association of Pastel Societies.
                     A Master Pastel Artists of New Zealand
                     •Tony now lives and works from his studio in Scotland.

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