Page 26 - 고산 최은철 개인전 2023. 12. 28 – 1. 3 백악미술관
P. 26
<Artist’s Notes : Nonsensible>
If being convergent well with the art sense accidents sometimes out of myself in undesired and over again; erased over and over again;
of HyeongShinGyeomSu (形神兼修: being situations. It is ‘HyeonDeok’ among the inscribed over and over again. I took such long
trained in both figure and spirit), the prepositions that hit my mind while studying work joyfully regarding it as a discipline that
calligraphy will become sap for the modern Lao-tzu, which is also the word that changed would make me matured.
art. my volition from the root so that I could live Passing through such hot summer like a
Like the words, "The spiritual light is the best as another one who is even a little bit different moment and standing at the edge of the year
while such elements as letter figure and line from the one of my unintelligent past. Looking now, I feel like I am a butcher dusting out my
quality are just following (神彩爲上 形質次 back at my life, there are full of those who are clothes after slaughtering a cow. The road of
之)", calligraphy values the artist’s inner side like the younger version of me. I wish the echo the butcher would be, of course, far away from
that comes out of the traces of the brush and ink of ‘HyeonDeok’ should sound also around them my road. However, I feel like I have seen me
the best, which is called EuiGyeong (意境). so that the world can progress to the better again who is insufficient in many ways through
Spirit, 精神, means the will or mind. On the world. my work of such. Now, that is, I must be in the
other hand, however, it can be sorted into two Throwing away prejudice, therefore, mood that I have come to an upper stage.
parts: vital force that means power and energy, means: the things perceived as opponents
and spiritual force that comes out of vital force. each other convert to the relation of mutual Wrapping up the ‘Words I Spoke Just For
It is Jeong, 精, that is relevant to the point supplementation to give a new birth; the enemy Myself’
whether to be physically healthy or not while relation socially and nationally changes to the Too much talk may rather cause any or all of
it is Shin, 神, that makes it possible to feel the friend relation to accomplish a new history; both life and art to be ruined.
state of mental health. That is, spirit, 精神, has infinite possibility of creation emerges in art. Too much focused on explanation, you may
the calligraphic sense that the complete beauty rather loose such important issue as ‘EuiGyeong
comes out of healthy state both physically and My works are made by being convergent of (意境, image with the artist’s subjective
mentally. art, philosophy, calligraphy, carving, line and intention reflected) that can’t be explained about
A calligrapher’s daily life, therefore, goes color. by words’ forever.
together with the effort to keep both healthy I have named this exhibition ‘Exhibition of However, many seem to feel hard about such
body and cubical thoughts as well as aesthetic Gosan Choi Eun-cheol YungHwa Painting’ words as ‘Calligraphy’, ‘East Asian Aesthetics’,
experience. That is, a calligrapher should train myself as the meaning that I express the ‘Philosophy’ and etc. Therefore, I was forced
her/himself of both practice and thoughts. east Asian aesthetic idea, the root of Korean to leave such ‘Words I Spoke Just For Myself’
Cubical thought is the mind that enables you emotion, through harmonization of knife, brush, thinking that even a little explanation might
to throw away ego centered prejudice so that line and color. In addition, I wanted to contain be needed for the question, ‘What have you
you can become one with the object. Its origin in my works the convergence of philosophy and painted’.
is called Mu (無: There is nothing) in Taoist art and the convergence of the east, the west, the In addition, ‘Collection of Short Comments on
schools, In (仁: benevolence) in Confucian old and the modern. the Exhibition’ sent by those who are close to
schools and Gong (空: emptiness) in Buddhist While working, I painted the ground shade as a me making good models for my life also will
schools. They all, eventually, require everyone basic work and inscribed letters, and added one not only help even a little bit understanding this
to have the mind and practice for peaceful and to a letter by painting another color over a color. exhibition but also play a role of advance that
happy life. Such cubical thought is the virtue I don't remember how many times I had painted I have to look back at from time to time for the
of the universe, which is called HyeonMyo (玄 over and over again to realize bright and vivid rest of my life.
德) by Lao-tzu. I like the word, ‘HyeonDeok’ mood of chaos. Thinking that such work of Feeling sorry for all of those who made their
that resembles the mind of the universe. painting over and over again looked like a life, time, I sincerely appreciate them all who were
When I was young and wild, I used to make I painted over and over again; scrubbed over willing to make comments even after seeing