Page 9 - 박현철 개인전 2024. 6. 15 – 7. 9 새문안아트갤러리
P. 9

logos(matthew6/33-34)                    logos(joshua1/9)                      logos(ephesian4/22-24)
                 mixed media on canvas                  mixed media on canvas                   mixed media on canvas
                   28x60cm  2024                          53x45.5cm  2024                         28x60cm  2024

              However, the reason why the Bible connects to the Word of God, the Logos, is because the meaning of the word is “the Word is
              God” and “all things under heaven were created from the Word.” In that sense, it seems that for the artist, facing the text contained
              in the Bible can be an encounter with the God he believes in.  In other words, it could be that the artist not only tried to express his
              work as a mediating means of conveying the divine reality, but also wanted to realize the experience of God that he experienced
              in the work. From that perspective, the author placing consonants and vowels evenly at regular intervals without applying a general
              spacing method during the work process, is to display that his artistry is the very discipline of his faith expressed in faithful but
              agonizing labor of servitude.

              In such a way, artist leads his audiences to speculate that the work had internal meanings of sacred religious acts, of prayer and
              supplication, rather than the simple drawing and expressing acts. Therefore, for artist Park Hyeon-cheol, the Bible does not simply
              function as a text that conveys a certain meaning, but is a passage to a world that can be referred to as ‘sublime’ in a religious and
              aesthetic context, and a place to experience the very core of that world.   Therefore, it can be deciphered that the artist, through this
              exhibition, is trying to guide the audience through this passage to the world that the artist himself has experienced, by means of
              revelation of his work

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