Page 50 - 고산 최은철 개인전 2023. 12. 28 – 1. 3 백악미술관
P. 50

<Collection of Short Comments on the Exhibition>

           - Yimjae Kim Sung-ho, Chairman, Painters’   He is missing such an old thought and rural   16. Kim Jeong-min
           Group ‘Along with Railroad’           smell sometimes together with one glass of   The calligrapher Choi Eun-cheol’s art world is
                                                 wine. Now, however,                  the art of YiYeoBulYiJiGan (似與不似之間, a
           10. Kim Sun-hee                       He can’t leave this city.            breach between similarity and non-similarity)
           I sincerely congratulate the exhibition of   - Dansan Kim Jae-yil, Instructor, Oriental   and a disclosure of ‘being deep and profound’
           YungHwa Painting ‘From a Chaos to another   Calligraphic Rule Research and Learning   that appears in the image world of EonSangEui
           Chaos’ expressing a new art world of Doctor   Institute                    (言-像-意, word, shape and will).
           Gosan through the convergent work of knife,                                - Special Professor, Graduate School of Fine
           brush, line and color. I highly expect the success   14. Kim Jeom-rye      Arts, The University of Suwon and Deputy
           of this exhibition showing the sincerity of   When and where would your agony of creation   Chairman, Inscribers Association of Korea
           Doctor Gosan on calligraphy with excitement   stop?
           on iron brush.                        Your work is dissolving the load accumulated   17. Kim Jeong-hyeong
           - Kim Sun-hee, Head of Academic Research   in our mind                     M agnificent   is   the   beauty   of
           Department, World Calligraphy Biennale of   Your work is releasing the agony of life through   CheonJinJaYeonJiChee (天眞自然之趣,
           Jeollabuk-do                          aesthetic movement                   innocent and simple nature-like pleasure) that
                                                 And                                  comes into and goes out of any boundary.
           11. Kim Young-bae                     I am awake by your work shaking my mind
           This work created by Gosan fascinated with   I wish You would be getting healthier with us   18. Kim Choon-ja Cheong-gok
           Taoism shows characters in painting while   longer and longer              “Calligraphy is an art that makes you enjoy
           showing paintings in characters. The innocent                              everlasting freedom while preserving peaceful
           and simple look of playing in nature in the   15. Kim Jeong-nam            state of mind”, you said one day. I agree to what
           beginning is spouting out as fragrance.   I have been captured in my own restraint. Like   you said.
           - Cheongwoon Kim Young-bae            a frog that is falling deeper and deeper into   You, Gosan, are trying to empty you down to
                                                 its well unaware of such situation of its, I am   the bottom through discipline and train in order
           12. Kim Young-sam                     getting away from the world farther and farther.   to throw away all of desire!
           Gosan!                                Maybe, I have been already forgotten by the   I am looking forward to the calligraphic art
           I like him who is                     world. I am tired even of talking about any good   world of yours that will have finally arrived in
           Always doing his effort for something  memories together with anyone. I even do not   such peacefully innocent and simple world.
           Always looking for something natural.  want to try to get reminded of it.  - Cheong-gok Kim Choon-ja, Director, Korea
           Carving and calligraphy are harmonized on   Like stupid crowds who squeeze the last   Calligraphy Association
           colors, so that                       orange even unaware that they are now at their
           I feel like seeing not printed ones but directly   desperate crisis, I am aimlessly wandering   19. Kim Hee-jeong
           Petroglyphs or a wall painting in a cave.  about even today. Nobody is crying together   The materials sent to me from Gosan for this
           From their color tones                with me. Nobody is trying to wipe off my tears.    short comment was touching me again.
           Stories of the world come to me       At this moment, the world imagined by Gosan   In the post-modernism period of this short
           Affectionately                        is coming down onto my spirit. I have just come   Anthropocene, he presented the Exhibition of
           - Woosongheon Kim Young-sam, Deputy   here without any hesitation. What do you want   YungHwa Painting, [From a Chaos to another
           Chairman, Korean Fine Arts Association  me to do? Asking him such a dull question, I am   Chaos].
                                                 getting to myself rubbing my sleepy eyes. I am   Also in this exhibition, he shows such a brilliant
           13. Kim Jae-yil                       taking my brush calmly in spite of myself. I am   talent of his.
           There was a man who had tried to get rid of   doing so while shortly feeling quiet wriggling   Sad is everyone who was born from dust of
           such an old thought and rural smell inheriting   actions going up forward from the chaos of   universe but is trying to leave even a point of
           from his father. Now, however,        beginning again to a new life.       trace of their life (雪泥鴻爪).
           It is difficult for him to get rid of such bad air   - Byeok-ahm Kim Jeong-nam  Even if it is possible to say that there is neither
           from big factories and such noisy sound from                               life nor death, there clearly exist both life and
           cars. Now, therefore,                                                      death.

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