Page 54 - 고산 최은철 개인전 2023. 12. 28 – 1. 3 백악미술관
P. 54

<Collection of Short Comments on the Exhibition>

           * Former President, Oriental Calligraphic Rule   which means that they have applied the discourse   38. Lee Eun-ho
           Research and Learning Institute       of convergence to their works since long ago.  Gosan’s pieces have realized the aesthetics of
           * Deputy Chairman, Korean Fine Arts Association  On Gosan’s work, I feel such Eastern and Western   Chi and its Vitality (cheerfulness and vividness)
                                                 thoughts are getting convergent to be completely   in modern ways: being convergent of calligraphy
           30. Yoo, Jong-kee                     hybridized.                          and painting.
           Getting aside without being swept will make you   Lee Gwang-soo, Chairman of the Board, Korean   Gosan’s firm will and power shown on every edge
           follow the heaven’s will smoothly... (旁行而不流  Fine Arts Association, and Chairman of IAA   of his pieces having powerful calligraphic style
           하야樂天知命이라)                             (International Association of Art)   and sword-like resolution will become a good
                                                                                      model for his followers in Korean calligraphy
           Being with the big brother’s agony...  34. Lee Geun-jae                    field.
           I feel resuscitation (絶處逢生)           I already knew he would create a new world   - Professor Lee Eun-ho, Hongik University
           I wish you will meet a new world at the end of the   across the time between the past and the present...
           chaos... ...                          - Yooyin Lee Geun-jae                39. Lee Eui-young
                                                                                      Right at the moment I saw Gosan’s work, “Ah!”,
           31. Yook, Sun-mee                     35. Lee Doo-sun                      I could not help just expressing an exclamation
           Hello, director! All the pieces are so nice! So cool!  Dear Professor Gosan!!  sound.
           Those are the words that I want to say to you if I   Four seasons passing through a knife dance  Who could even think about working on such
           have to say any word.                 Old time great men being cut off from the tip of   pieces, which were made not on calligraphy paper
           What do I have to say if I have to say about what I   the knife            but on slate with various colors laid on layer by
           don’t know?                           One by one with the time ignored     layer?
           Shall I just say that they are just what they are?  In the world of chaos that even light can’t enter   Who could even think about just seeing such
           I am sorry that I dare have to make a comment.   into                      pieces without expression of exclamation?
           I have gotten an image of an oriental phoenix’s   A knife is playing like a brush and  I am giving a very big hand to Gosan, who
           wings                                 Coming out to the world              has created such an ingenious idea with a new
           As the agonies of chaos accumulated layer by   I appreciate you giving me a chance of enjoying   challenge.
           layer are matured to be beautiful     vividly such an everlasting ecstasy, and I wish   What an amazing work!
           I was invited to Gosan’s art world and  your passion and effort would become the   What a fantastic exhibition!
           I feel that art is originally just like this!  brightest star in the future with my hands put   I wish everything will go well around this event.
           I put down my brush with humble mind.  together.
           Congratulation!                       With Respect                         40. Lee Pil-sook
                                                 - Mockrim Lee Doo-sun(Western Style Painter) -  Absolute remarkable is the fresh and profound
           32. Yoon Jeom-yong                                                         aesthetic edge that Professor Gosan has created for
           Gosan, the person I like              36. Lee Bong-seok                    ‘Exhibition of YungHwa Painting’ that harmonizes
           Gosan, the artist who is always thoughtful and   Picasso-like Calligraphy, Calligraphy-like Picasso  calligraphy, engraving and painting. ‘From a

           affiliated in the art space of MuWiJaYeon (無爲  Such an excellent art world of yours moving all   Chaos to another Chaos’, such an endless work
           自然, leaving nature as it is)          around world and time will greatly impress all the   of Professor Gosan for circulation of calligraphic
           Gosan, the calligrapher of today who is with   spectators enhancing their contemporary sense   art and such a regulated work for such endless
           purely clean and free spirit          and joyful mood all.                 work (復其見天地之心), and realization work
           ^^Therefore,  his  work  can  never  be   - Youngwoon  Lee  Bong-seok,  Honorary   of Professor Gosan for Lao-tzu’s and Zhuāng-zǐ’s
           unattractive^^~~                      Chairman, Korean Doctors’ Calligraphy Society  aesthetic view of the world, I truly celebrate all
           - Hoam Yoon Jeom-yong                                                      such work of his.
                                                 37. Lee Yong-jin                     - Lee Pil-sook, Doctor of Philosophy
           33. Lee Gwang-soo                     It is the art world of Doctor Gosan that hugs every
           The contemporary core paradigm is convergence.  existence as they are and shows great capability   41. Jang Ji-hoon
           Most of Korean artists globally recognized show   freely swinging without any barrier.   Doctor Choi Eun-cheol has sublimated East Asian
           such crossover thoughts of the East and the West,   - Lee Yong-jin(Executive Director, Monthly   traditional Taoist thoughts up to a modern art
                                                 Calligraphy and Literary Man Painting)

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