Page 58 - 고산 최은철 개인전 2023. 12. 28 – 1. 3 백악미술관
P. 58

<Collection of Short Comments on the Exhibition>

           on the pieces but...                  characteristics, and who has embodied such grand   with and understanding of Chinese culture and
           Thank you for giving me such a good chance to   theme as convergence of philosophy and art under   philosophy. I met him again recently in 2019
           enjoy such good work.                 the name of ‘YungHwa Painting’.      attending ‘Exhibition of the Works Possessed
           I sincerely congratulate the exhibition. Please also   His ‘YungHwa Painting’ has deepened the   from World Calligraphy Biennale of Jeollabuk-do’
           take a good care of health.           tradition to finally contain the character that meets   that took place in Ai-huó village, an international
           - Dongwoo with love for Gosan from Gwangju.  what the time requires. That is, he has created a   pottery town of Luòyáng-sāncǎi. I wish this
                                                 new aesthetic language.              exhibition a great success. I also further expect
           51. Choi Won-bok                      Sima Yi unified China. He has been said to be the   this exhibition to help enhancing interchange with
           I pay my tribute of praise to your effort for   master of reigning equipped broadly with courage,   Ai-huó village of Luòyáng and between Korean
           opening of a new horizon of calligraphy.  wisdom and morality: he was good in playing   and Chinese calligraphers.
           I wish your effort of getting convergent of modern   sword on horse and brush at desk; he was working
           sense and painting elements will be a road for a   hard in daily life with humble stance to attribute   56. Liú-xīn
           new direction to be established in calligraphy.  merits to the others all the time.    Last September, I participated in two big events
           - Former Chairman, Fine Arts Association of   Gosan is good in playing knife and brush, and   held in Korea: The Calligraphy Exhibition of East
           Incheon                               well-thoughtful and fully-practical in daily life and   Asian Cultural Cities of Korea, China and Japan;
                                                 social matters as an artist. That is, he is a highly   World Calligraphy Biennale of Jeollabuk-do. I felt
           52. Huh Hoi-tae                       proficient Confucian and a general with virtue at   amazed realizing that both events were all planned
           On every piece of this exhibition, Choi Eun-  the same time. Therefore, I expect a lot about the   by Choi Eun-cheol. I was also touched by such
           cheol shows such philosophical aesthetics   worlds and the ways that he will create with.   huge pieces painted by Choi. At my first glance,
           existing in himself that has homogeneous and   - Hwang Bo-geun, Chairman, Inscribers   every piece looked accumulated layer by layer
           impulsive principle. His work is apart from the   Association of Korea(Master of Inscribing and   like a piece of East Asian traditional landscape.
           fields of any general abstraction. This work is   Honorary Doctor of Literature)  Such beautiful pieces lighted brightly with
           extracting symbolic elements from East Asian                               abundant colors of golden yellow, which made all
           philosophies and widely categorized areas of   <China>                     of us fall into thoughts. At my close glance, such
           them to show the artist’s tenacity for creation of                         pieces were just one big piece consisting of 21
           elegant formativeness. It makes me feel the edge   55. Gguō-ài-huó         pieces. Closely looking at such pieces, there were
           of character abstraction. In the wide formativeness   I met Choi Eun-cheol first in 2015.  calligraphy and inscribing of red, black and white
           that Choi Eun-cheol is going for, however, the   He is a highly ideological and creative   for classical oracle bone scripts, gentle Sojeon
           Eastern and Western aesthetics are all fused   calligrapher. He and I have been seeing each other   calligraphic styles, energetic Haengcho styles and
           to become the aesthetics of the global village   for the past few years.   Hangeul characters. It was my first experience
           stimulating our brains.               He is also so much affectionate artist. For several   that I saw such a huge art piece harmonizing
           - Written by Huh Hoi-tae                                                   grand calligraphic paintings into one place. The
                                                 years, he has regularly attended the art fair [Day]
                                                 - ‘Art Flash Mob’, held for public interest first in   artist boldly structured it with powerful visual
           53. Hong Seo-jin                      China – to donate a number of calligraphic pieces   impact and aesthetic power of touching, which is
           I whom I can’t find out under the chaos of   in order to support art education in rural villages in   a grand visual festival that gives the spectators the
           madness!                              China. Having seen him in several calligraphers’   enjoyment of beauty.
           It is nothing containing something that the person   meetings, I have felt that his brush work is fast   - Liú-xīn, Member of China Calligraphers
           blinded in white has found out finally under a ray   with clear calligraphic intention and abundant   Association
           of light after wandering and wandering about!  form changes of brush touch, so that I could
           - Geumjeong Hong Seo-jin                                                   57. Máo-gōng-qiáng
                                                 not help continuously applauding with so much
                                                                                      Choi Eun-cheol is large-minded, sincere and
                                                 touching emotion on such pieces of his as ‘道法
           54. Hwang Bo-geun                                                          humorous. His art is simple and elegant with
                                                 自然 (Learning from Nature as It is by Itself)’, ‘滌
           A work is revelation of the artist her/himself or   除玄覽 (Getting Enlightened Out Of Darkness)’,   fluent calligraphic style. He has been disciplined
           self-awareness of her/his life.       ‘自疆不息 (Working by Yourself without Rest)’   of such various calligraphic styles as oracle
           Gosan is an artist who shows crush emotion,   and etc. I have been amazed of his familiarity   bone script, bronze script, Yeseo, Haengseo and
           profound philosophy and a variety of art                                   Choseo. Especially his oracle bone script style is

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