Page 52 - 고산 최은철 개인전 2023. 12. 28 – 1. 3 백악미술관
P. 52

<Collection of Short Comments on the Exhibition>

           I wish the ink-like black would light up lighter   23. Park Jae-gap        brush work and knife work, which looks like an
           and lighter under brilliant chaos...  Being fully touched by the harmonized beauty   effort to preserve his nature through the quantum
           - Kim Hee-jeong: Doctor of Philosophy,   of line, color, classic and modern, I celebrate the   of vitality and diversity destroying the boundary
           Sungkyunkwan University, and Senior Deputy   exhibition of Doctor Gosan Choi Eun-cheol’s   of art fields to bring them into disorder and
           Chairman, Korean Calligraphers Association  masterpieces that express especially Hangeul   ambiguity of chaos. I am afraid that such vitality
                                                 characters clearly delivering meanings of words   of colors accumulated with brush work and knife
           20. Lee Hong-jae                      with profound color tone so that they can highly   work layer by layer may leave a scratch on his
           《Gosan YungHwa (古山融和,  Gosan’s        stand out.                           road from a chaos to another chaos. I celebrate his
           YungHwa Painting)》                    - Park Jae-gap, honorary professor of Seoul   work also waiting for the chaos of matured colors
           Gosan (古山, old mountain) is a Gosan (高山,   National University             to come to us later.
           high mountain)                                                             - Soyeon Park Jeong-yi (Doctor of Philosophy)
           Korean calligraphy must change to survive  24. Park Jeong-gyoo
           If not change, it will meet death, therefore,  I have ever met Gosan in person few times only   27. Song Ha-kyeong
           It will meet death                    for some official events without any personal   Vivid is the true look of Doctor Gosan’s
           If its characters do not look beautiful  relationship. Maybe I knew him only by his works   philosophical agony and aesthetic work of
           It can’t be calligraphy               but I feel like I have been related with him for a   thoughts on calligraphic arts.
           If not beautiful                      long time.                           ‘From a Chaos to another Chaos, Everlasting
           Gosan Choi Eun-cheol,                 When I think of him, I say just one phrase about   Circulation of All Life and Nature in Universe
           You must be both old mountain and high   him:                              Neither Beginning Nor Ending’, I truly celebrate
           mountain                              I wish I often meet him!             Doctor Gosan’s work that has realized Zhuāng-
           To live as Choi Gosan                 Maybe, I can say one more phrase about him:  zǐ’s view of the world into a calligraphic world of
           - Yoolsan Lee Hong-jae, Chief, Leading   I want to see him to talk over any important   the 21st century. (Song Ha-kyeong)
           Calligraphers Group of Korea Calligraphy   matter!
           Association                           In addition to such phrases, I call him the   28. Song Ha-jin
                                                 calligrapher who shows large-minded pieces with   Gosan is the art director for the World Calligraphy
           21. Buddhist Monk Moojin              deep-thought contained in every piece armed   Biennale of Jeollabuk-do, who is dealing with the
           Tao and Buddha go on one way ㅡ Confucianism,   with his own unique artist personality and art   issue of handling and extending calligraphy in
           Buddhism and Taoism are all going altogether   philosophy he majored in. I cheer for him to   modern ways based on his art philosophy.
           through the universe.                 always be a noble artist in such a young look.  Setting the convergence of Confucianism,
                                                 With a full expectation to the exhibition!  Buddhism and Taoism and the fusion of the East
           22. Park Byeong-cheon                                                      and the West, the past and the present and line and
           Doctor Choi’s New Art World           25. Park Jeong-sook                  color as ‘Chaos’, he tries to blossom a new art life
           This work is made by a variety of techniques   Where does the power come out of to swim from   from such setting. Such will and practice of his
           based on calligraphy, inscribing and painting   a chaos to another chaos?  are remarkable.
           for the figures of Hangeul calligraphic style,   Gosan’s convergent idea and everlasting   I expect him to become ‘Bungsae (Big Bird
           Chinese character calligraphic style and engraving   experimental spirit of Confucianism, Buddhism   imagined in the world of Zhuāng-zǐ) flying up
           calligraphic style that light up the unknown world   and Taoism must be the energy source to get   from the sea of ’Chaos’ that every corner of the
           on the brilliant and antique look rock face, so   convergent of the past and the present and to fuse   world pays attention to.
           that it seems to push me into the unknown world   philosophy and calligraphic painting into one   - Song Ha-jin, Chairman of the Organizing
           that is connected to a vague ancient world. I wish   piece.                Committee, World Calligraphy Biennale of
           your work will get brighter and brighter with such   - San-nae Park Jeong-sook (Doctor of Philosophy)  Jeollabuk-do
           unique creation activities.
           - Park Byeong-cheon(Honorary Professor,   26. Park Jeong-yi                29. Ahn Jong-yik
           Gyeongin National University of Education)  The artist has worked on his pieces based on   What an art of calligraphy for convergence!
                                                 Taoist boundary of thoughts so far. In this   Such a convergence that encourages you to get
                                                 exhibition, however, he added colors onto the   satisfied with the instinct of both life and death!

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