Page 48 - 고산 최은철의 철학예술
P. 48
<短评集锦> <Collection of Short Comments on the Exhibition>
崔银哲先生为人豪爽真诚、风趣幽默;为艺 1. Kang Deok-won 5. Kwon Yoon-hee
古拙雅致、笔墨双畅。其甲骨文、金文、汉 He completely enjoys the world not losing the Gosan’s life is in calligraphy. His life is
篆,以至隶书、简书、行草均有涉猎,且用 mood and taste of the essential calligraphic calligraphy himself. His life is meaningful on
功较勤。尤其是甲骨文用笔老辣灵动、金石 rules while unfolding the land of inscribing that calligraphy, which has formed all of his. Lao-
气息浓郁,值得称赞!顺颂崔银哲先生书画 is the origin of art. tzu and Zhuāng-zǐ are extending his aesthetics
艺术展览取得圆满成功!祝愿崔银哲先生艺 of calligraphy standing behind him. Now, his
术之树长青! 2. Kang Myoung-soon aesthetics of calligraphy is moving into chaos
- 澳门圣若瑟大学客座教授 Dreaming of a pretty dream of a little life in from nature. The chaos for this exhibition is the
spring exit of the calligraphy world that he is going
60. 宗成振 Growing up dreadfully like a child of for. The painting art beyond figures introduced
作品将书法、篆刻、油画、版刻等表现手段 adolescence in this exhibition shows the extension of his
融为一体,涉及甲骨、金文、行书、草书等 The tree now is getting peaceful making a calligraphy art world. He takes the road nobody
多种书体,营造出丰富、立体、多元的视觉 beautiful fruit in fall. has ever taken. He shows us the extension of
效果,而这一切形式上的多样融合,又很 Such all matters would get together to make the modern Korean calligraphy art genres. He
好的与文本中“善”“道”“诚”“游”等宏大意象 something underground in winter. is a hope of Korean calligraphy field.
和原始命题相呼应,实现了内容与形式的交 Such thing would be seen in spring! - Kwon Yoon-hee (Doctor of Philosophy,
相辉映,协调统一,给观者带来了丰富的视 What mysterious thing would be made under Invited Professor, Hankuk University of
觉感受,同时引发观者进入人与人、人与社 such cold ground under the sun, snow and rain? Foreign Studies)
- 中国 首都师范大学校 中国书法文化研究院 3. Koh Yin-soo 6. Kwon Chang-ryoon
副院长 Human being is now passing through such a Since long ago, people have been believing
dark tunnel that may never end in a huge chaos that the true beauty dwells in simple and
61. 陈志超 of value viewpoint along with the 4th Industrial humble things. The fruit of calligraphy
崔银哲先生以儒释道章句入书、入印,典雅 Revolution. aesthetics Gosan has studied and dug into so
高华;以老庄精神入画,绮丽幽玄。 MuSimMuWi (無心無爲, leaning the mind far is now revealing its genuine worth. His
- 成都澄园书画艺术博物馆 馆长 and nature as they are), JaYuJaJae (自由自在, work is fusing the essences of Confucianism,
unrestricted), Buddhism and Taoism into one look, which
Dear Doctor Gosan, the person of free spirit, seems to be the expression of Taoist philosophy
I truly appreciate and celebrate that you have where he enjoys himself at the profound state.
inspired us of a new creation in this ‘Time of With the thoughts of DaeGyoYakJol (大巧
Chaos’. 若拙, The great skill may look childish) and
This exhibition of the works convergent of MyeongDoYakMae (明道若昧: Bright truth
calligraphy, inscribing and painting may look dark), he has dug out the protoplasm
Will be the starting point that opens a new of MuWiJaYeon (Leave everything natural just
horizon of the calligraphic aesthetics in the as they are) that looks just simple (平淡無奇)
21st century. and humble without artificial intention (質朴無
- Former Executive Director, Sungkyunkwan 華). The character, intention and taste like non-
University Foundation, and Advisor, Samsung refined metal and non-ground jade have fallen
Electronics Co., Ltd. again into another chaos through a number of
elaboration process and created purely innocent
4. Kwon, Oh-kyoo smile of an infant, which is the ultimate level
Gosan has come with spring in full bloom (古 of righteousness, goodness, profoundness
山春來 百花爛漫) and beauty; protoplasm of calligraphic work;
- Director Doctor, GuGunGye Korean TaeGeuk (the ultimate mighty). His work lights
Traditional Medicine Clinic up the road to a new world of calligraphic