Page 52 - 고산 최은철의 철학예술
P. 52

<Collection of Short Comments on the Exhibition>

           longer and longer                     everlasting freedom while preserving peaceful   mountain
                                                 state of mind”, you said one day. I agree to what   To live as Choi Gosan
           16. Kim Jeong-nam                     you said.                            - Yoolsan Lee Hong-jae, Chief, Leading
           I have been captured in my own restraint. Like   You, Gosan, are trying to empty you down to   Calligraphers Group of Korea Calligraphy
           a frog that is falling deeper and deeper into   the bottom through discipline and train in order   Association
           its well unaware of such situation of its, I am   to throw away all of desire!
           getting away from the world farther and farther.   I am looking forward to the calligraphic art   22. Buddhist Monk Moojin
           Maybe, I have been already forgotten by the   world of yours that will have finally arrived in   Tao and Buddha go on one way ㅡ Confucianism,
           world. I am tired even of talking about any good   such peacefully innocent and simple world.    Buddhism and Taoism are all going altogether
           memories together with anyone. I even do not   - Cheong-gok Kim Choon-ja, Director, Korea   through the universe.
           want to try to get reminded of it.    Calligraphy Association
           Like stupid crowds who squeeze the last                                    23. Park Byeong-cheon
           orange even unaware that they are now at their   20. Kim Hee-jeong         Doctor Choi’s New Art World
           desperate crisis, I am aimlessly wandering   The materials sent to me from Gosan for this   This work is made by a variety of techniques
           about even today. Nobody is crying together   short comment was touching me again.  based on calligraphy, inscribing and painting
           with me. Nobody is trying to wipe off my tears.    In the post-modernism period of this short   for the figures of Hangeul calligraphic style,
           At this moment, the world imagined by Gosan   Anthropocene, he presented the Exhibition of   Chinese character calligraphic style and engraving
           is coming down onto my spirit. I have just come   YungHwa Painting, [From a Chaos to another   calligraphic style that light up the unknown world
           here without any hesitation. What do you want   Chaos].                    on the brilliant and antique look rock face, so
           me to do? Asking him such a dull question, I am   Also in this exhibition, he shows such a brilliant   that it seems to push me into the unknown world
           getting to myself rubbing my sleepy eyes. I am   talent of his.            that is connected to a vague ancient world. I wish
           taking my brush calmly in spite of myself. I am   Sad is everyone who was born from dust of   your work will get brighter and brighter with such
           doing so while shortly feeling quiet wriggling   universe but is trying to leave even a point of   unique creation activities.
           actions going up forward from the chaos of   trace of their life (雪泥鴻爪).   - Park Byeong-cheon(Honorary Professor,
           beginning again to a new life.        Even if it is possible to say that there is neither   Gyeongin National University of Education)
           - Byeok-ahm Kim Jeong-nam             life nor death, there clearly exist both life and
                                                 death.                               24. Park Jae-gap
           17. Kim Jeong-min                     I wish the ink-like black would light up lighter   Being fully touched by the harmonized beauty
           The calligrapher Choi Eun-cheol’s art world is   and lighter under brilliant chaos...  of line, color, classic and modern, I celebrate the
           the art of YiYeoBulYiJiGan (似與不似之間, a   - Kim Hee-jeong: Doctor of Philosophy,   exhibition of Doctor Gosan Choi Eun-cheol’s
           breach between similarity and non-similarity)   Sungkyunkwan University, and Senior Deputy   masterpieces that express especially Hangeul
           and a disclosure of ‘being deep and profound’   Chairman, Korean Calligraphers Association  characters clearly delivering meanings of words
           that appears in the image world of EonSangEui                              with profound color tone so that they can highly
           (言-像-意, word, shape and will).        21. Lee Hong-jae                     stand out.
           - Special Professor, Graduate School of Fine   《Gosan YungHwa (古山融和,  Gosan’s   - Park Jae-gap, honorary professor of Seoul
           Arts, The University of Suwon and Deputy   YungHwa Painting)》              National University
           Chairman, Inscribers Association of Korea  Gosan (古山, old mountain) is a Gosan (高山,
                                                 high mountain)                       25. Park Jeong-gyoo
           18. Kim Jeong-hyeong                  Korean calligraphy must change to survive  I have ever met Gosan in person few times only
           M agnificent   is   the   beauty   of   If not change, it will meet death, therefore,  for some official events without any personal
           CheonJinJaYeonJiChee (天眞自然之趣,         It will meet death                   relationship. Maybe I knew him only by his works
           innocent and simple nature-like pleasure) that   If its characters do not look beautiful  but I feel like I have been related with him for a
           comes into and goes out of any boundary.  It can’t be calligraphy          long time.
                                                 If not beautiful                     When I think of him, I say just one phrase about
           19. Kim Choon-ja Cheong-gok           Gosan Choi Eun-cheol,                him:
           “Calligraphy is an art that makes you enjoy   You must be both old mountain and high   I wish I often meet him!

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