Page 80 - 제37회 파스텔화협회 국제교류전 갤러리라메르
P. 80

         KPAA Member                                                                                                                                                                                                         KPAA Member

                          예르지  모쉬취스키 - 프랑스

                          •1981 폴란드 태생으로 현재 프랑스 거주•1990 회화에 전념하고 파스텔, 유화, 수채화 작품 제작
                          •리옹 라자리스트 라살 센터 회화 입주작가로서 회화 기법을 가르치고  있음
                          •2014 프랑스파스텔회(Société des Pastellistes de France) 1위 수상•2015 중국 수저에서 열린 첫 국제파스텔페스티벌 참여
                          •2016 제 2회 국제파스텔비엔날레에 참가, Ming Gallery of Art,  중국  파스텔  박물관  소장
                          •2016 중국파스텔 네트워크, 베이징교육센터 및 국제파스텔회의가 공동 주최한 시범 프로그램에서 중국 미술교사들에게 파스텔 교수
                          •2018 페이티아 국제파스텔페스티벌에서 "심사위원상" 수상, 프랑스 파스텔협회 개최
                          •2019 프랑스 파스텔협회 마스터 파스텔리스트에 임명, 세계 100대 파스텔 작품에서 Richeson Pastel 동상 수상, 미국 파스텔저널
                          •예르지의 파스텔화 기법은 "Pratique des Arts", "Pastel Journal" 등 프랑스, 미국의 여러 저널에 게재 됨

                          Jerzy  Mościcki - France
                          •Born in Poland, Jerzy has lived in France since 1981. He has devoted himself exclusively to painting since 1990.
                             His paintings  have been executed in pastel in oil and in watercolor
                          •Painter in residence at the School Center in Lazaristes La Salle in Lyon, he teaches the techniques of painting
                          •First prize of the Société des Pastellistes de France in 2014, he participated, in 2015, in the first international pastel festival in
                             Suzhou in China.
                          •In 2016, he exhibited at the 2nd International Pastel Biennale in Ming Gallery of Art in Suzhou. His paintings are part of the
                             collections of the Pastel Museum in China.
                          •In 2016, he was one of  he four instructors selected to teach pastel to Chinese art teachers as part of a pilot program organized
                             by the China Pastel Network, the Beijing Education Center and the International Association of Pastel Societies
                          •Jerzy participates in the exhibitions organized by the Société des Pastellistes de France and he obtained, in 2018 the "Jury Prize"
                             at the 18th International Pastel Festival in Feytiat.
                          •In 2019 he was appointed Master Pastelist by the Société des Pastellistes de France and awarded by Richeson Pastel
                             Bronze Award in the 100 best pastels in the world according to the American journal Pastel Journal.
                          •His pastel technique has been presented in many articles published in France and in the United States in the journals
                             "Pratique  des  Arts"  and  "Pastel  Journal"

                                                                   EMail(이메일)_Soft Pastel on Paper_20x20cm_2022
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