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        The Fayetteville Press

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          Volumn 34  No. 7                                                                      May 17,  2024 Edition *  (910) 323-3120-Office                                                                          Fayetteville, NC

                                 “Walking Down the Road to Recovery Together”

                              On The Road Again: Founder Alexander McArthur

            By Sheila A. McLaughlin                                                                                        who get behind the wheel each year, while intoxicated, af-
            Twenty-year Combat Veteran and Fayetteville native,                                                            fect our entire community. They cost billions of dollars, and
       Alexander McArthur is the Founder of On The Road Again,                                                             thousands of lives. On the Road Again Substance Use Pre-
       Inc., an addiction counseling center that aids persons with                                                         vention and Education programs are vital in sustaining a
       addiction as well as those who are working towards recov-                                                           healthy environment.
       ery. Alexander acknowledges, “Recovering from a substance                                                                According to Alexander, “From the client’s viewpoint,
       abuse addiction isn’t easy, but there’s no reason you can’t                                                         most important when facing a judge is knowing they aren’t
       get help on your journey.” He understands the situations which                                                      alone –and that we are here for them; we are the help they
       bring clients to his office are often caused by a series of deci-                                                   need.” On the Road Again partners with the Sobriety and
       sions, or social pressures. After retiring from the military,                                                       Veteran Court systems in addition to the N.C. Department
       Alexander worked on Ft. Bragg, now Fort Liberty, conduct-                                                           of Transportation. Assistance is provided to help the client
       ing assessments and disability placements. It was during that                                                       find the right treatment plan to resume working and/or start
       time, he realized people made mistakes and because of DWI                                                           over. The goal is to offer compassionate, respectful, sup-
       charges, they lost their jobs and careers. A yearning to sup-                                                       portive care, while still holding individuals accountable for
       port individuals while rebuilding their lives was birthed into a                                                    their actions.
       successful business.                                                                                                     Addiction is a craving that millions of people face ev-
            Alexander later began to seek certifications and worked                                                        ery day. Unfortunately, only fractions of people suffering
       as an Intern at the DWI Center once operating on Hay Street.                                                        from addiction get the help they need. If you’re dealing
       After struggling with policies to better serve the community,                                                       with substance abuse, On the Road Again can help. They
       he was motivated and inspired by a counselor to obtain North                                                        offer group therapy, and can coordinate with employers to
       Carolina State Board Certifications in Substance Abuse and                                                          help manage recovery.
       become a Criminal Justice Addictions Professional.                                                                       Remember, they are here for you! Visit On The Road
            On the Road Again Inc. was established in February,                                                            Again, Inc., 727 McGilvary Street, Fayetteville, NC 28301.
       2020 prior to the Pandemic. They provide Substance Use                                                                   Their business hours are Monday-Friday from 9am -
       Assessments for local attorneys and assist individuals with               Alex McArthur                             5pm. Treatment and Education Classes are Monday –
       DWI or Open Container Violations. Services include: Treat-                                                          Thursday from 6-9 pm. Treatment classes are held Tues-
       ment for Anger Management, Prime for Life (NCDHHS Au-            (Office) 910-323-2875 or 910-323-0047              day, Thursday and Saturday from 9am – Noon.
       thorized DWI Treatment Course), Gambling Addiction, and                                                                  Allow On the Road Again to be the difference in your
       Smoking Cessation. Counseling is also available for DWI,                     (Cell) 910-527-0276                    life! They focus on your concerns, and assess your chal-
       Employment and Domestic Violence. The millions of drivers                                                           lenges then offer the right treatment for your condition.

                            Empowering Lives Through Instruction, Mentorship

                                 and Direction: Training Peer Support Specialists

                                                                  The Dr. Annie R. Hasan Story

            In our ever-evolving society, the importance of guidance and support can-                                      the  compassion  to  care  for  others  expressing  her  story  to  others  that  they  are
       not be overstated.   For me, the journey of empowerment began with a deep-seated                                    somebody.   Producing social capital, generating values roles and contributions,
       belief in the transformative power of instruction, mentorship, and direction. Raised                                and  developing  reciprocal  relationships  are  some  of  the  elements  that  create
       in a nurturing environment where self-reliance and perseverance were paramount,                                     resilience for sustainable community living.  Annie’s commitment is based on a
       I learned early on the value of uplifting others through education and mentorship.                                  strong  belief  in  the  ability  of  the  human  essence  to  carry  each  person  far
            As I embarked on my own path, I was inspired by the profound impact of                                         beyond  their  wildest  dreams.  She  knows  we  can  all  rise  and  shine  when  we
       peer  support  specialists  in  providing  invaluable  assistance  to  individuals  facing                          capitalize  on  the  power  of  giving  and  taking  relationships.    Her  passion  for
       mental  health  and  addiction  challenges.     Recognizing  the  pressing  need  for                               recovery stems from personal experience having lived with severe depression.
       trained professionals in this field, I made it my mission to extend my reach beyond                                      Peer  Support  Specialists  play  a  crucial  role  in  empowering  individuals
       traditional  mentorship  roles  and  delve  into  the  realm  of  training  peer  support                           facing  mental  health  challenges,  addiction,  and  other  life  obstacles.  Through
       specialists.                                                                                                        their  lived  experiences  and  empathetic  support,  these  peer  support  specialists
            Through    comprehensive    training    programs    and    hands-on  guidance,  I                              offer a unique form of assistance that fosters resilience, recovery, and hope. As
       have had the privilege of empowering individuals to become certified peer support                                   we  explore  the  vital  role  of  Peer  Support  Specialists  in  our  communities  and
       specialists.   These individuals, equipped with the knowledge, skills, and empathy                                  highlight their impact on individuals, families, and society as a whole.
       necessary to make a difference, and now serving as beacons of hope and support                                           In  communities  across  the  country,  a  quiet  revolution  is  taking  place-
       within  their  communities.                                                                                         one  that  is  empowering  individuals  to  support  each  other  through  life’s  chal-
            The  process  of  training  peer  support  specialists  goes  beyond  imparting                                lenges with empathy,  understanding,  and  hope. At the heart of this movement
       technical knowledge; it is about fostering a culture of compassion, understanding,                                  are Peer Support Specialists, individuals who draw upon their own lived experi-
       and resilience.   By creating a supportive learning environment where individuals                                   ences to provide invaluable assistance to those facing mental health and addic-
       feel  empowered  to  share  their  stories  and  experiences,  we  lay  the  foundation  for                        tion issues?  As a trainer for Peer Support Specialists, I have had the privilege
       meaningful  connections  and  transformative  growth.  Empowering  lives  through                                   of  witnessing  the  transformative  power  of  peer-based  support  firsthand,  and
       instruction, mentorship, and direction extends far beyond the confines of a class-                                  the impact it has on individuals, families, and communities.
       room or training program.  It is about instilling confidence, building resilience, and                                   My  journey  into  the  world  of  Peer  Support  began  over  a  decade  ago,
       inspiring individuals to realize their full potential.  As we continue on this journey                              inspired  by  my  own  experiences  with  mental  health  challenges  and  addiction.
       of empowerment, I am humbled by the opportunity to make a positive impact in  For more information, please contact Dr. Annie Hasan  Having navigated the complexities of recovery and found solace in the support
       the lives of others and contribute to a brighter, more compassionate future for all.  910-624-6513 or John Russell (910) 644-4356 at  of others who had walked similar paths, I felt compelled to play it forward by
            Hailing  from  Scotland  County,  North  Carolina,  I  was  one  of  ten  siblings.  OnTrack Wellness and Recovery Center, located at  empowering  others  to  do  the  same.    Thus,  I  embarked  on  a  mission  to  train
       From a young age, I felt a calling to guide and uplift my community, inspired by the                                individuals in communities across the country to become Peer Support Special-
       strength  of  my  own  mother,  Mary  Esther  Gilmore,  who  has  since  passed  away.  1429 McArthur Road, Fayetteville, NC 28311  ists, equipped them with the skills, knowledge, and compassion needed to make
       Raised by her as a single parent, she instilled in me the values of self-reliance and                               a  difference  in  the  lives  of  those  struggling  with  mental  health  and  addiction
       perseverance,  often  reminding  me  that  “no  one  owes  you  anything.”  I  can  still  hear  my  mother  voice  in  my  head,  saying  “Annie,  through  hard issues.
            These  words  became  my  driving  force  as  I  navigated  through  life. As  the  work, determination, and proper values you will be able to build a successful career  As a trainer, my role extends far beyond teaching the technical aspects
       sixth  child  in  our  family,  I  was  known  for  my  outspoken  nature.      Early  on,  I  and  contribute  positively  to  any  community”.  of peer support.  I strive to create a supportive and inclusive learning environ-
       learned essential skills such as conflict resolution, confidentiality, mentoring, and  As I started to embark on being a community servant, I seen and acknowl- ment  where  individuals  feel  empowered  to  share  their  lived  recovery  stories,
       organization, which would prove invaluable later in life.  edged the need for mental health and behavioral health services in my community explore  their  strengths,  and  embrace  their  unique  identities  as  Peer  Support
            Growing up in an economically disadvantaged area where farming was the  that I served. I started providing training to individuals who had mental illness or Specialists.  Through  interactive  workshops,  role-playing  exercises,  and  group
       primary  industry,  education  was  not  always  prioritized.  However,  my  mother  substance  abuse  issues  and  disorders. This  is  where OnTrack  Wellness  and  Re- discussions, participants develop the practical skills and interpersonal qualities
       made it clear that our education came first. All ten children completed high school,  covery  Center  was  born.  I  have  always  had  a  strong  interest  in  the  therapeutic needed  to  effectively  connect  with  and  support  their  peers.
       some went on to college, and two joined the military, which all ten are living. After  effects  of  self-determination,  choice,  and  personal  freedom.  I did  my  dissertation  One of the most rewarding aspects of my work is witnessing the trans-
       completing high school, I pursued further education at Durham Business College,  on: “The Efficacy of a Peer Support Group  Intervention  Program  for  Individuals formation  that  takes  place  within  individuals  as  they  embrace  their  role  as
       Durham, NC, majoring in Business Administration.  Despite financial constraints,  with   Anxiety    orDepression”.  North Carolina Certified Peer Support Specialists.  I have seen shy and reserved
       I  worked  part-time  for  the  North  Carolina  Bar Association  to  support  myself  My qualifications includes:  individuals  blossom  into  confident  and  empathetic  supporters,  equipped  with
       where  I  also  became  a  Notary  Public.      Eventually,  I  transferred  to  Fayetteville  Doctor  of  Education  (Ed.D)  degree  in  Organizational  Leadership  with  an  the tools and knowledge to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.
       State  University,  Fayetteville,  NC  to  complete  my  Bachelor’s degree in Business  Emphasis in Behavior Health from, Grand Canyon University, Pheonix, AZ, Mas-  It is truly inspiring to witness the ripple effect of their work as they empower
       Administration with a minor in Accounting. Following graduation, I began work-  ter  of Arts  (M.A.)  degree  in  Mental  Health  Counseling  from Webster  University,  others  to  embark  on  their  own  journeys  of  recovery  and  resilience.
       ing  in  the  Financial Aid  Department,  Communication  Department  and  Physical  Myrtle  Beach,  SC;  Master  of  Education  (M.Ed)  in Adult  Education  from  North  But the impact of Peer Support Specialists extends far beyond individual
       Education  Department  at  Fayetteville  State  University,  where  I  remained  for  CarolinaState University, Raleigh, NC; Bachelor of Science (B.A.) degrees in Busi-  interactions-it  extends  to  families,  communities,  and  society.    By  fostering  a
       seven years.  During this time, I also obtained another degree in Business Educa-  ness Administration and Bachelor of Science degree (B.A.) in Business Education  culture of empathy, understanding, and inclusion, Peer Support Specialists help
       tion and became a certified teacher.                      (Teacher  Certification)  from  Fayetteville  State  University,  Fayetteville,  NC.  to break down stigma, reduce barriers to care, and create more supportive and
            As a divorcee raising four children, along with 13 grandchildren, although  With  over  15  years  of  experience  as  a  North  Carolina  Certified Peer  Sup-  resilient  communities  where  everyone  has  the  opportunity  to  thrive.
       one has sadly passed away (Imani Rasheedah Hasan), I continued my ventured as  port  Specialist,  I  have  played  a  pivotal  role  as  a  Course  Developer/Instructor  for  As I reflect on my journey as a trainer for Peer Support Specialists, I am
       an  entrepreneur.                                         Peer  Support  Specialists.  This  role  involves  developing  comprehensive  curricula  filled  with  gratitude  for  the  opportunity  to  play  a  small  part  in  a  movement
            While working at Fayetteville State University, I opened up my first child  aimed at training individuals to serve as mentors for those grappling with mental  that  is  transforming  lives  and  communities.  Together,  we  are  proving  that
       care facility.  Faced with challenges in recruiting qualified staff, I made the decision  illness  or  substance  use  disorders. Additionally,  I  have  authored  the  peer  support  peer-based support is not only effective but essential in addressing the complex
       to  step  down  from  my  position  and  concentrate  on  overseeing  the  childcare  specialist curriculum, further solidifying my contributions to the field.  challenges  of  mental  health  and  addiction.   And  as  we  continue  to  empower
       center,  a  move  that  proved  to  be  financially  successful.  This  triumph  was  aug-  Since  2009  I  have  been  a  Copeland  Center  Certified  Wellness  Recovery  individuals to support each other through peer support, we are building a brighter,
       mented by the establishment of three additional childcare facilities in neighboring  Action  Plan  (WRAP)  facilitator.  In  2018  I  became  a Whole  Health Action  Man-  more  compassionate  future for  us all.
       communities, three of which were eventually sold. Currently, one facility remains  agement  (WHAM)  facilitator.  In  2022  a  Moral  Reconation Therapy  and  a  former  Join  our  team  and  become  a North  Carolina  Certified  Peer  Support
       in operation: 1st Start Child Development Center in Fayetteville, NC. After com-  Licensed Clinical Addiction Specialist (LCAS-A) for over 10 years.  Specialist.  To  be  eligible  for  the  training,  applicants  must  meet  certain  crite-
       mitting  four  decades  to  the  child  care  sector,  I  started  to  diversify  my  business  She provides training to help people who have mental health challenges to  ria, including being at least 18 years old, possessing a high school diploma or
       ventures.  I  assumed  the  role  of  a  CEO  of  New  Millennium  Real  Estate  which  discover  the  strengths  they  have  and  to  enhance  their  recovery.    Through  her  GED, having personal experience with behavioral health challenges, and dem-
       provides  real  estate  and  property  management. Also,  which  I  operated  Visions  training  as  a  North  Carolina  Certified  Peer  Support  Specialist  Course  Developer,  onstrating  at  least  twelve  (12)  months  of  continuous  recovery.  For  more
       Residential  Healthcare  Services  which  is  no  longer  in  existence,  this  endeavor  NC Department of Health   and   Human   Services,   Division   of   Mental   Health,  information,  please  contact  Dr. Annie  Hasan  -  910-624-6513  or  John
       included operating four Level3 group homes and one residential adult facility.  Development Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services. She has always had  Russell  (910)  644-4356  at  OnTrack  Wellness  and  Recovery  Center,
                                                                                                                           located  at  1429  McArthur  Road,  Fayetteville,  NC  28311.
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