Page 12 - The Fayetteville Press Newspaper February 2025 Edition
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Page 12                                                                                         The Fayetteville Press January 31,  2025 Edition

                                                                               A PLUS HOME HEALTH CARE

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                                                                  2932 Breezewood Ave  * Ste 211 Fayetteville, NC
                     (910) 551-3331                              2932 Br         ee   z e w  ood      A v e  * Ste 211 F             a  y ette    ville   ,  NC
                 Fayetteville/Cumberland County gathers to support

                                          Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy

      The Annual King Holiday will forever be a time                                                                                            self-evident, that all men are created equal;
      to honor, celebrate and recognize the legacy                                                                                              I have a dream that one day on the red hills
      of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. . There were a                                                                                              of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and
      variety of activities in the Fayetteville area to                                                                                         the sons of former slave owners will be able
      support his legacy.                                                                                                                       to sit down together at the table of brother-
                                                                                                                                                hood.  I have a dream that one day even
           Annual Dr. MLK Jr. Worship Ser-
      vice & Prayer Brunch: The Fayetteville                                                                                                    the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering
      Cumberland County Ministerial Council                                                                                                     with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the
      hosted the 32nd Annual Dr. MLK Jr. Wor-                                                                                                   heat of oppression, will be transformed into
                                                                                                                                                an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a
      ship Service on Sunday  January 19, 2025,
      The worship service was at 5 p.m. at Lewis                                                                                                dream that my four little children will one
                                                                                                                                                day live in a nation where they will not be
      Chapel MBC. The prayer brunch was 10 a.m.
      Monday in the Crown Expo Center at the                                                                                                    judged by the color of their skin but by the
      Crown Complex, 1960 Coliseum Drive.                                                                                                       content of their character.”

                                                                                                                                                     Every year, many people gather to
            The 32  Annual Dr. Martin Luther King,
      Jr. Prayer Brunch was actually held in                                                                                                    reflect, and talk about how far they feel
      Fayetteville on Dr. King’s Holiday January 20,                                                                                            America has come toward achieving Dr.
      2025. Discussing and observing the King                                                                                                   King’s dream while also interjecting, how
                                                                                                                                                much farther we as a nation still need to go.
      Holiday is another opportunity to refocus and
      realize that work needs to be done.                                                                                                       More important, if we would, as a people,
                                                                                                                                                respect each other, regardless of our life’s
                                                                                                                                                experiences and differences, and be more
           In 1963, Dr. King delivered one of his
      most momentous speeches from the steps of                                                                     Photo by JJ Jones           supportive of what is right in this country,
                                                                                                                                                and stop focusing on our ethnicities, I,
      the Lincoln Memorial:
                                                    Annual Dr. MLK Jr. Worship Service & Prayer Brunch                                          wholeheartedly, believe great changes

           “I STILL HAVE A DREAM!” King             The Worship Service was at 5p.m. at Lewis Chapel MBC                                        would be imminent.
      recited, “I have a dream that one day…this
                                                                                                                                                     Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would have
      nation will rise up, and live out the true mean-   The Prayer Brunch was at 10 a.m. Monday January 20, 2025                               been 96 years old.
      ing of its creed: We hold these truths to be                              in the Crown Expo Center

                         28        th                                                                  Prevent Wastewater Backup

           Celebrating our

      28  Year in Practice!

               “Your                                                                                    the grease      Do Your Part to Keep Grease, Wipes            ou TTa’ pipes

                                                                                                                                                                       KEEP WIPES

                                                                                                                     and Other Objects Out of our Pipes.
             FIRST                                                                                      Grease, fat and oil – as well as wipes and other items – should never be

                                                                                                        SRXUHG RU ÁXVKHG GRZQ GUDLQV RU WRLOHWV  7KH\ FDQ EORFN VHZHU OLQHV DQG
                                                                                                        FDXVH ZDVWHZDWHU WR EDFN XS  7KH RYHUÁRZ FDQ GDPDJH RXU ZDWHU VXSSO\
                 Stop                                                                                   KDUP WKH HQYLURQPHQW DQG HYHQ FDXVH FRVWO\ GDPDJH WR \RXU KRPH

                                                                                                        To Dispose of Grease:
                                                                                                                                            Never Flush:
          Following                                                                                     •  /HW LW FRRO  SRXU LW LQWR D      • CLJDUHWWH EXWWV
                                                                                                          GLVSRVDEOH FRQWDLQHU
                                                                                                                                            ‡  'HQWDO ÁRVV DQG 4 WLSVŠ
                                                                                                          DQG SXW LW LQ WKH WUDVK
                                                                                                          6FDQ WKH 45 FRGH WR               ‡  +DQG RU EDE\ ZLSHV ² HYHQ LI
                     A                                                                                    UHTXHVW D IUHH ´)DW 7UDSSHUµ           WKH\·UH ODEHOHG ´ÁXVKDEOHµ
                                                                                                           FRYHUHG FRRNLQJ JUHDVH
                                                                                                          FROOHFWLRQ FRQWDLQHUV  IURP 3:&    • Diapers and feminine
                                                                                                                                              K\JLHQH SURGXFWV
                  Car                                                                                   •  WLSH JUHDVH IURP SDQV EHIRUH \RX    • Paper towels
                                                                                                          ZDVK WKHP
                                                                                                                                            ‡  0HGLFDWLRQV RU
                                                                                                        •  NHYHU SXW PHDW RU YHJHWDEOH VFUDSV
        Accident.”                 TM                                                                      GRZQ WKH GUDLQ  HYHQ \RX KDYH D         PHGLFDO ZDVWH
                                                                                                          JDUEDJH GLVSRVDO  7KURZ WKHP
                                                                                                          DZD\ RU FRPSRVW \RXU YHJHWDEOH      ‡  .LWW\ OLWWHU
                                                                                                         VFUDSV                             •  Food wrappers

                                                                                                                                            ‡ $Q\ SODVWLF
                                                                                                        Visit for more             SURGXFWV


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