Page 7 - The Fayetteville Press Newspaper February 2025 Edition
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The Fayetteville Press January 31, 2025 Edition Page 7
Church News
Dr. MLK Op-Ed from Governor Josh Stein
The Time Is Always Right To Do What Is Right
Every year, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day gives us stress.
the chance to honor the life and legacy of a remarkable We must also address our healthcare system. As
leader. Dr. King said, “Of all the forms of inequality, injustice
Dr. King was a visionary who held up a mirror to our in healthcare is the most shocking and inhumane.”
country and showed us our flaws and our potential. Many Whether it is mortality rates of Black mothers, rates of
Americans were not ready for the truth that he preached, insurance coverage, or even life expectancy, there are
and it cost Dr. King dearly. He was thrown in jail for orga- too many ways that our healthcare system is not work-
nizing nonviolent protests in Birmingham, and he was hit ing for everyone. Even as we celebrate Medicaid expan-
with a rock while marching for housing integration in Chi- sion, we must continue to make healthcare more afford-
cago. His Montgomery house was bombed while his wife able, insurance more accessible, and medical debt less
and seven-week-old daughter were inside, and the night af- burdensome.
ter his Mountaintop speech in Memphis, he was tragically NC Governor Josh Stein In addition, we must ensure that North Carolina’s
assassinated. economy keeps growing and that every North Carolin-
Throughout his career, countless people advised him north star, but we have work to do. In his Letter from ian can benefit from that growth. The night before he
to take fewer risks, to protect himself. Yet with every threat, a Birmingham Jail, Dr. King wrote, “Human progress died, Dr. King was in Memphis supporting workers’ right
he redoubled his efforts in the fight for civil rights. He never rolls in on wheels of inevitability.” There is to fair wages. Even today, we must make sure that hard
never backed down or eased up because, in his words, “The nothing inevitable about progress; it takes our tire- work pays by raising the minimum wage. We have not
time is always right to do what is right." less effort. increased it in 16 years! We also need to cut taxes for
I first learned that lesson from my father and from his Talking about housing and homeownership, Dr. working people to put more money into their pockets.
law partners Julius Chambers and James Ferguson. They King said in 1966, “Now is the time to open the doors We need more good paying jobs in every corner of the
founded North Carolina’s first integrated law firm in Char- of opportunity to all of God’s children.” Regrettably, state, from our small towns to our big cities. And we
lotte in the mid-1960s. Their firm won path-breaking vic- in North Carolina, these doors have not always opened. must support the small business owners who are power-
tories in our nation’s legal battle against discrimination and Three-fourths of white families own their home, com- ing our economy.
for equality. They didn’t back down from doing what was pared to less than half of Black families. The challenges we face are many, but we can meet
right, not even when someone firebombed their office in A home is more than just a roof over your head – this moment by heeding Dr. King’s words: “Let us rise
1971. They are my heroes, and they taught me that some it is also a community anchor and a way to build gen- up with a greater readiness and determination.”
things are worth fighting for, no matter how tough it is. erational wealth. We must increase homeownership When we do, we will build a better and brighter fu-
Here in North Carolina, we surely have tough work opportunities and expand housing options across the ture together – one rooted in our shared values of free-
ahead of us. Delivering on North Carolina’s promise is my state, so that our homes are a source of stability, not dom, justice, and opportunity for every person.
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Power & Praise Ministries Fayetteville Cumberland County
302 Moore Street* Fayetteville, NC 28301 Ministerial Council, Inc.
“For nothing will be impossible with God. Luke 1:37
Sunday Wednesday Be Hold, how good and how
Morning Worship Bible Study pleasant it is for brethren to
Service (7:00pm ) dewell together in unity!
10:15 a.m. Sunday School -10am PSALM 133.1
Sunday Service - 11:00am FellowshipBreakfast
Wednesday Meets Every 3rd
Study on Wednesday Transportation Available Saturday 8:00am
Solid Rock Bible Church
(S.O.W.) 6:30 p.m. Church 5464 Muscat Road
(910) 565-3022 Hope Mills, NC 28348
Rev. Dr. Fredrick Culbreth Senior Minister WIDU 1600 AM Sr. Pastor Secretary POC Yvonnie Hodges
(910) 483-6505 Radio Broadcast Bishop Dr. Jenson McFadden (910) 850-6795 Apostle Georgia Walker (910)797-5879 *424-9444
Any Minister of the Christian
Sunday at 10a.m.
President Pastor Dr. Doretha McFadden 910-624-0929 Is Welcome To Join Us.
Masjid Omar Ibn Sayyid Abundant Life Church of God
2700 Murchison Road *Fayetteville NC 28301 220 Pelt Drive * Fayetteville, NC 28301
All are invited and welcome!
Friday Prayer
(Jumuah) 1:30 PM
Sunday Public Lecture
1:30 PM
Monthly Food Worship
Imam Bobby Thomas Distribution Sunday School Bishop J C Monroe, Jr
Founder & Pastor
(910) 488-7322 3rd Saturday 9:00 AM (9:00am) Facecooklive
WIDU 1600 Radio Broadcast Saturday 2:30 pm Wednesday Night - Family Training Hour (7:00pm)
Heal The Land Outreach Ministries
414 Hall Street * Fayetteville, NC 28301
Sunday Morning Prayer
10:45- 11:00 am
Rev. Christoppher Stackhouse
Morning Worship - 11:00 am
Christian Education
1st & 3rd Wednesday: 7:30pm
Joy Night Church Phone Bishop Larry O. Wright, Sr.
2nd & 4th Wednesday: 7:30 pm (910) 491-0738 Elect Lady Minister Deborah Wright
Pastor & Founder