Page 8 - The Fayetteville Press Newspaper February 2025 Edition
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Page 8                                                                                             The Fayetteville Press January 31, 2025 Edition

                                                 Editorial / Opinion

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                            How is the NAACP relevant today?

           Introduction/Brief History of the Organization                                                 levels of integration in its schools. There is an increasing segrega-
           In 1908, race riots erupted in Springfield, Illinois, the birth-                               tion for Latino students, who are rapidly becoming our largest
      place of President Abraham Lincoln. White mobs raged for two                                        minority group and have been more segregated that African Ameri-
      days, killing and wounding scores of African Americans,   driving                                   cans for several years.                             The  Fayetteville  Press
      thousands out of the city.   This event, along with systemic evils                                       When African American and Latino students are segregated
      (lynchings, employment discrimination, disenfranchisement, poor                                     into schools where the majority of students are non-white, they  Newspaper
      living conditions, etc). perpetrated against African Americans                                      are very likely to find themselves in schools where poverty is  “Your  Community  Newspaper”
      throughout the United States, sparked enough outrage among                                          concentrated. National political leaders have largely ignored the
      white progressives to put out a call to action. In an article written                               growth of segregation in the 1990’s. Increased testing require-  P.O. Box 9166
      by William Walling, one of the founders, Mr. Walling asked, “Yet                                    ments for high school graduation, for passing from one grade to  Fayetteville * NC 28311
      who realizes the seriousness of the situation, and what large and                                   the next, and college entrance can only be fair if we offer equal
      powerful body of citizens is ready to come to their aid?”                                           preparation to children, regardless of skin color and language.
           The National Association for the Advancement of Colored                                        Increasing segregation, however, pushes us in the opposite direc-  (910) 323-3120 - Office
      People (NAACP) was founded on February 12, 1909, by a multi-                                        tion because it creates more unequal schools, particularly for low-
      racial group of activists in “a little room in a New York apart-                                    income minority children., who are the groups which most fre-  E-mail:
      ment.” The creation of such an organization was imperative at                                       quently receive low test scores.            
      that time in our nation’s history. The organization was born out  By James E. Buxton, Jr. President
      of the need to stand against injustices of any kind.    In addition  910-824-7504 - Fayetteville NAACP   Fast Forward to 2025
      to William Walling, other notable founders were W.E.B Dubois,                                            Fast forward to 2025, and the NAACP is approaching its
      Archibald Grimke, Henry Moskowitz, Mary White Ovington, granted African Americans the rights of citizenship, however, this did 116  anniversary. We find ourselves in a precarious era:  Books  *Publisher - JJ Jones
      Mary Church Terrell, and Ida B. Wells.          not translate into the ability to vote. We were systematically turned are being banned, the Supreme Court has ruled against race con-
           It is now 2025 and the NAACP is approaching its 116 th  away from many state polling places. Even after Congress passed the scious admissions in higher education, thereby ending Affirma-  *General Manager
      anniversary. The continued relevance of the organization is often Fifteenth Amendment in 1870, states still found ways to prevent black tive Action. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), an attempt to  Chrystal M. Thomas
      called into question.  Our youth, who have only attended inte- men from voting. Lest we not forget that a major goal of the civil rights create more inclusive environments by promoting policies and
      grated schools, who have lived under the presidency of Barack movement of the twentieth century was to resecure and protect full practices that ensure fair treatment and full participation of all
      Obama, the first black president, Kamala Harris, the first female voting rights for all Black citizens.  One of the strategies that the people within an organization, has been met with claims of re-  *Sales Manager
      Vice President, and who have seen General Lloyd Austin as the NAACP used to secure equal rights was through legal action.  verse discrimination, and just recently, essentially dismantled by  Dwight Brown
      Secretary of Defense while General CQ Brown was at the same  Enforcing court decisions, 1944        Executive Order.
      time the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, may not under-  The NAACP called on the federal government to mandate that  The continued relevance of the organization is often called
      stand the struggle or the road that was paved in order for these states follow the court’s rulings on the right of Black Americans to into question.  Our youth, who have only attended integrated  *Editor - Jae McKrae
      achievements to occur. Neither do they understand the fragility have equal access to the vote.      schools, who have lived under the presidency of Barack Obama,
      of the systems that, if not constantly undergirded and challenged,                                  the first black president, Kamala Harris, the first female Vice
      can easily reverse course.                           Notes from Rosa Parks                          President, who have seen General Lloyd Austin as the Secretary  *Special Corespondent
                                                           In order to cast a vote in an election, first the voter must register of Defense while General CQ Brown was at the same time the  Queen Degraphenrei
           Rolling Back Hard-Fought Gains             to vote. During the Jim Crow era between Reconstruction and the civil Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, may not understand the
           Affirmative action                         rights legislation of the 1960’s, many African Americans who attempted struggle or the road that was paved in order for these achieve-  Staff Writer
           First, let’s make sure we understand what Affirmative Ac- to register to vote were threatened physically or made to fear losing ments to occur. Neither do they understand the fragility of the
      tion is. What are we talking about? It’s a program that promotes their jobs and homes. Some states’ requirements, including owning systems that, if not constantly undergirded and challenged, can  Shelia Mclaughlin
      diversity and access for underprivileged minority groups, which property paying poll taxes and passing literacy or civics exams, were easily reverse course.
      allowed people who would not be able to attend college or work used to prevent Black citizens from voting. These notes written by                            *Photgrapher
      in certain careers to do so. It started in the U.S., thanks to an Rosa Parks highlight the persistent challenges African Americans face  Yes, the NAACP is still relevant  Bruce Carpenter
      executive order by John F Kennedy in1961.       when trying to register to vote.                         For those who question the relevance of the NAACP, the
           On the other hand, AA was ruled to be a form of discrimi-  Securing a safe and legal right to vote for African Americans was answer can be found if they would pose the following questions  *Account Executives
      nation when it was implemented in its quota-based format. The a major goal of the civil rights movement. Volunteers and leaders in the to themselves:         Dr. Don Reid
      program, at times, would allow for an underqualified individual movement waged various campaigns to register Black voters across the  ·  Is  there  still  racial  discrimination  in  employment,
      to be accepted instead of a qualified individual simply because of South. In early 1965, several civil rights organizations, including the healthcare, housing?
      their minority status.                          Southern Christian Leadership Conference worked diligently to secure  ·  Are African American youth still being suspended at  *Distribution
           Advantages                                 the right to vote in Selma, Alabama. This campaign was met with fierce higher rates than their non-black peers for committing the same  Michael Dykes
           It promotes diversity, it can eliminate socioeconomic dif- resistance and, later, with violence by white city officials and commu- offense?
      ferences, it stops stereotypes. AA in its promotion of diversity, nity members. Pres. Lyndon B Johson addressed Congress to urge the  ·  Why do African Americans comprise only 13% of the  Nero B. Coleman
      can help to stop stereotypes because it creates interactions be- passage of voting rights bill. After debate in both the House and the US population but 32% of the prison population?
      tween groups that may not choose to interact between groups Senate, the bill became a law in August 1965. The Voting Rights Act of  ·  Why do Black women have the highest maternal mor-  * Graphic Designed By
      that may not choose to interact with each other in “real life.”  1965 provided federal enforcement to remove literacy tests and other tality rate?
           It allows people to chase dreams. It allows people to pur- tools used to prevent African Americans from voting. Under the law,                          Roslyn Graphic
      sue a career that they may never have considered without help federal officials were appointed to register voters and observe elec-  To combat these societal ills, our country needs an advo-
      from this program. There are huge gaps for women in minorities tions It also prevented states from changing requirements to vote or cate, an organization that is willing to speak truth to power. The  *Staff  Chaplain
      in certain fields still today, such as health and aeronautics that the boundaries of doting districts without federal review.  same organization that led the fight against separate but equal
      could potentially benefit from the diversity that AA promotes.  The Voting Rights Act of 1965 has been amended on several facilities is alive and well today. The abolitionist, author, and civil       Bishop
           It can break that glass ceiling. When people are in an envi- occasions since its passage. This 2020 proposal was named for Con- rights leader Frederick Douglass stated: “Power concedes nothing   Larry O. Wright, Jr.
      ronment and treated as equals, it can stop the various gaps that gressman John Lewis who, as a student leader in the civil rights move- without a demand; it never did, and it never will.”
      we see today. Wage [income] gaps can have the potential to go ment, helped to organize and lead the Selma marches.                                                       E-Mail:
      away. Minority gaps can be reduced because there are more op-                                            Conclusion
      portunities available to receive a higher education. These efforts  Re-segregation of schools            The NAACP continues to be the conscience of America’s
      can help to finally break the glass ceilings that held so many  The NAACP’s Legal Defense and Educational Fund success- Declaration of Independence reminding the nation that “All men  Web-Site
      people back for far too long.                   fully mounted a legal assault against segregation, with Thurgood are created equal.”  Mary White Ovington writes in her history of
           It removes societal loss. It could be argued that minority Marshall and others regularly fighting against injustices in courtrooms the formation of the NAACP: “Hence, we call upon all the believ-
      groups are at a societal disadvantage because of their historical nationally, including Texas. The organization’s many local chapters ers in democracy to join in a national conference for the discus-
      treatment. Through slavery, depression, minority households over have stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Blacks across the country, fight- sion of present evils, the voicing of protests, and the renewal of the  For
      the course of generations have not had the same opportunities to ing for justice and full access to all civil and human rights.  struggle for civil and political liberty. “  Whether behind the scenes  Subscriptions
      build wealth.                                        The American South is re-segregating, after two and a half de- or in the forefront, the work of the many volunteers of the NAACP  Call
           Voting rights                              cades in which civil rights law broke the tradition of apartheid in the have had a positive impact for all Americans. The call is as rel-
           The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution [1868] region’s schools and made it the section of the country with the highest evant today as it was in 1909.  (910) 323-3120

                                                                  Celebrating Our Month: Black History Month

                                                                    February is Black History Month. The contributions and achievements of Black Americans should be acknowledged and cel-
                                                      ebrated not only in February, but year-long. Being Black is beautiful. Our race consists of talented, educated, hardworking, and committed
                                                      individuals who paved the way for others as well as leaving behind a personal legacy through their innovations and accomplishments.

                                                           Things Black Americans should do:
                                                           1. Vote at every election. There was a time when Blacks were not allowed to vote, so exercise your right to vote. Your membership and vote
                                                           2. Teach our children about Black History, the importance of knowing their identity, and to be proud of being Black in America. They need
                                                           to know Black history because history has a way of repeating itself.  It is imperative to teach them our history so that it will be taught correctly
                                                           and we will tell the truth.
                                                           3. Build up the Black family structure because it has been dismantled. Our children need their mother and father.

                                                           Here are a few little known Black History facts:
                                                           1. Marie V. Brittan Brown is a female black inventor who designed a security system that was patented in 1969.
                                                           2. Founded in 1854, Lincoln University is the oldest Historically Black University in the United States.
                                                           3. Reverend Al Sharpton preached his first sermon at the age of 4 and later toured with
          By Dr. Shanessa Fenner, Principal                world-famous gospel singer Mahalia Jackson.
                                                           4. Diahann Carroll was the first Black woman to have her own weekly television series called “Julia.”
                                                           5. Politician and educator Shirley Chisholm survived three assassination attempts during her campaign for the 1972 Democratic nomination
                                                           for the U.S. presidency.

                                                           Famous Black Americans you should know:
                                                           1. Medgar Evers- was a civil rights activist who became the first state field secretary of the NAACP in Mississippi. His murder drew
                                                           national attention.
                                                           2. Martin Luther King Jr.-was a minister and civil rights activist who sought equality and human rights for African Americans.
                                                           3. Desmond Tutu- was a South African Anglican bishop and theologian known for his work as an anti-apartheid and human rights activist.
                                                           4. Sidney Poitier- was the first Black actor to win the Academy Award for best actor.
                                                           5. Maya Angelou- was an African American author, playwright, poet, dancer, singer, and actress.
                                                           6. Cicely Tyson- was an Emmy and Tony-winning actress who was distinguished in theater, film, and television.
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