Page 3 - The Fayetteville Press Newspaper February 2025 Edition
P. 3

The Fayetteville Press January 31, 2025 Edition                                                                                          Page 3

                          Methodist University Named “Prominent Online

                           Program to Watch” by Higher Education Digest

              Methodist University is garnering national and                                                                              It also points to the online programs’ cut-
          international attention for its prominent online pro-                                                                      ting-edge learning management system and ac-
          grams.                                                                                                                     cess to all of the same resources that are avail-
              Higher Education Digest, an independent higher                                                                         able to on-campus students (Writing & Tutoring
          education magazine with a widespread international                                                                         Center, Student Access & Accommodation Ser-
          audience, recently featured Methodist University as                                                                        vices, IT Help Desk, database and interlibrary
          a “Prominent Online Program to Watch in 2024-25”.                                                                          loans, and more).
              “We are very pleased with the continued growth
          of our fully online programs,” said Methodist Uni-                                                                              Higher Education Digest also features a few
          versity Provost Suzanne Blum Malley. “In particular,                                                                       of the many success stories to come out of MU’s
          we are excited to bring our excellent MU programs                                                                          online programs – including Ryan Lucas, an Ad-
          to working professionals, career changers, and mili-                                                                       vanced Paramedicine student who’s juggling his
          tary-connected students by offering the flexibility and                                                                    online studies while serving as a critical care
          resources they need to pursue their degrees.”
                                                                                                                                     flight paramedic for the U.S. Army.

              The publication points to a variety of factors that                                                                         “Methodist University doesn’t make me feel
          allow Methodist University to combine academic ex-                                                                         like an online student, they make me feel like a
          cellence with the convenience of online learning. No-                                                                      Monarch,” said Lucas, who is set to graduate in
          tably, MU’s online programs offer flexibility with a                                                                       May of 2025. “I’m grateful for everything that
          12:1 student-to-faculty ratio and an asynchronous                                                                          Methodist University has provided to me through
          schedule  for  most  programs  (students  working  at                                                                      this program. The faculty and staff have been
          their pace rather having to be online at set times).                                                                       there every step of the way for me.”
          This  ensures  students  can  further  their  education                                                                         To move forward with your education and in
          without sacrificing their job, family responsibilities,                                                                    your  career,  learn  more  and  apply  now  at
          or personal time.                                                                                                

                    It’s Our Honor

                    MU Serves as Event Sponsor of

                    Martin Luther King Jr. Brunch
                    Ranked as the most diverse university in all of
                    North Carolina two of the past three years* and
                    with robust inclusion and belonging programming
                    for students, MU is honored to share in the
                    celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his
                    accomplishments to fight against racial segregation
                    and discrimination.

                    Thanks to the Cumberland County Ministerial
                    Council for hosting this important event at the
                    Crown Expo Center.
                                                                *Niche College Rankings

                    Around two dozen MU students, faculty, and staff (above and top
                    right) attended the MLK Brunch on Jan. 20 in Fayetteville along
                    with guest speakers and city/event officials (at right).

           • 910.630.7000
                    5400 Ramsey Street, Fayetteville, NC 28311
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