Page 7 - Flares Issue 5
P. 7

Conquering Addiction Where Care Happens

    By Oscar "Gio" Fuentes III

            n  2016,  one  of  the  campaigns  launched       sober   friendships   with   them   as   they   go   through
            by   the   current   Philippine   government      the   daily   activities   such   as   group   therapies   and
            was   a   controversial   war   on   drugs.   This  individual   counseling   sessions.   These   friendships
            caused    hundreds   of   thousands   of   drug   will   be   key   in   getting   the   addict   through   the
            personalities to surrender to government          tough   days   that   they   will   face   once   they   get
    officials   in   fear   of   being   the   next   victim   in   the  back   out   to   the   real   world.   It   must   be   noted
    sensational   series   of   extra-judicial   killings   that  though   that   before   an   addict   is   able   to   make
    has been going on across the country. In fear of          these   friendships,   he   must   first   take   the   time   in
    death   or   incarceration,   the   only   logical   option  building his relationship with himself again.
    for   these    drug    personalities   is   to   have
    themselves    admitted   to   a   rehabilitation   center  There   are   more   concepts   and   ideas   an   addict
    and undergo the offered program. However, the             will   be   able   to   learn   as   he   goes   through   a
    question remains: Behind the walls and gates of           rehabilitation    program.     These    include    the
    a  rehab  center,  what  can  the  substance  abuser      science  behind  addiction,  patterns  of  addiction,
    actually  learn  from  the  “program”  that  will  help   the   triggers,   codependency,   enabling,   relapse,
    them recover from active addiction?                       compulsive   behaviors,   denial,   healthy  coping
                                                                                       mechanisms,     self-esteem,
    Contrary     to   common
                                                                                       humility,    self-love,   life
                                               The only way
    perception,      addiction                                                         skills,   motivation,   nutrition,
    rehabs  are  not  "Get  Out                                                        optimism,    discipline,   the
    of   Jail   Free"   cards.   They                                                  gifts   of    sobriety,   the
                                              out is through.
    are   not   substitutes   for                                                      importance    of   a   support
    jail   time.   The   residents
                                                                                       group,        and       most
                                                          Robert Frost
    are   not   just   locked   up                                                     importantly,   the   power   of
    inside   so   that   they   can
    abstain     from     active
    addiction.    What    really
                                                                                       The  stigma  of  addiction  is
    happens         is      that
                                                                                       still   very   strong   in   our
    professionally-run rehab
                                                              country   and   this   is   why   as   advocates   and   as
     centers   offer   a   comprehensive   program   backed   mental   health   professionals,   we   have   our   work
     by  science  and  research.  Such  programs  are  all    cut out for us.
     aimed  at  a  person’s  recovery  and  worthwhile  life
     AFTER   they   complete   their   stay   in   the   rehab.
                                                                     The solution we are looking
     These   programs     are   thoroughly   designed    to
                                                                       for will never be a "war",
     address   not   just   the   addiction,   but   also   the
                                                                        rather a rights-based,
     behaviors,    attitudes,   beliefs,    and    thought
                                                                        empirical, human and
     patterns that help them live drug-free, sober and
     fulfilling lives.
                                                                          humane approach.

     As   one   goes   through   the   program   of   a   well-run
     rehabilitation   center,   the   addict   will   be   able   to
                                                                               Gio   graduated   with   a   degree   in
     learn   more   about   themselves.   They   will   be   able
                                                                               Psychology   and   is   currently   an   MAP
     to   see   the   dysfunctional   thought   patterns   and
                                                                               student.   He   is   a    Registered
     behaviors    and    be   able    to   address    them                     Psychometrician,   having   finished   12th
                                                                               place   in   the   Psychometrician   Board
     themselves.  While  they  are  in  treatment,  they  will
     be  able  to  meet  people  and  be  able to build
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