Page 7 - DWN Business Groups Guide_July 2022
P. 7
Group Coordination
Each DWN Business Group should have two co-leaders who will share
responsibility for the group and coordinating the sessions. DWN Business Group
Leaders will:
• Organise meetings, book the room and sort the AV (if required)
• Create and send out the agenda for each session
• Encourage shared facilitation and equal contribution from members
In addition to the two DWN Business Group Leaders, where possible, try to have
someone with experience in industry governance or a champion role within the
industry. This could be a current or former Dairy Women’s Network trustee, or a
nominee or recipient of the Fonterra Dairy Woman of the Year Award.
Shared Facilitation
Encourage each member of your group to facilitate sessions throughout the year.
It’s not up to the DWN Business Group Leaders to frame up or lead each session.
Each member needs to develop facilitation skills and be able to learn how to
manage group participation.
Closed Facebook Group
A Closed Facebook page/group for DWN Business Group members is another
potential tool to communicate with each other throughout the month, capturing
key points from the sessions or sending through the agenda before each
Please discuss with the DWN Marketing team to set up the closed Facebook
group for your DWN Business Group.
The Rotorua Business Group on a field trip.
DWN Business Group Guide