Page 20 - info_oct_2021_draft13
P. 20
In Focus
storage mechanism enables users to track Web application hardening proxy web server and add ModSecurity to it, we
system elements over time and perform event One of important uses for ModSecurity get a “proper” network web application firewall,
correlation. Users can block reliably, if they so is attack surface reduction, in which we can which we can use to protect any number of
wish, because ModSecurity uses full request and selectively narrow down the HTTP features we’re web servers on the same network. This mode
response buffering. willing to accept (e.g., request methods, request gives us complete isolation from the systems
headers, content types, etc.). ModSecurity can (e.g. web servers/applications and databases)
assist users in enforcing many similar restrictions, we are protecting. On the performance front, a
standalone ModSecurity installation will have
Virtual patching either directly or through collaboration with other resources dedicated to it, which means that we
Virtual patching is a concept that addresses web server modules. For example, it’s possible to will be able to do more (i.e., have more complex
vulnerability mitigation in a separate layer, in fix many session management issues, as well as rules). The main disadvantage of this approach
which you get to fix problems in applications cross site request forgery vulnerabilities. is the new point of failure, which will need to be
without having to touch the applications addressed with a high-availability setup of two or
themselves. Virtual patching is the quick Deployment Options more reverse proxies.
development and short-term implementation
of a security policy meant to prevent an exploit ModSecurity supports two deployment
from occurring. The resulting impact of virtual options: embedded and reverse proxy deployment. Transaction Lifecycle
patch is that, while the actual source code of Users can pick the most appropriate option based In ModSecurity, every transaction goes
the application itself has not been modified, on their goals, requirements, and situation. through five steps, or phases. In each of the
There are advantages and disadvantages of both
the exploitation attempt does not succeed. options: phases, ModSecurity will do some work at the
ModSecurity excels at virtual patching because of beginning (e.g., parse data that has become
its reliable blocking capabilities and the flexible available), invoke the rules specified to work in
rule language that can be adapted to any need. Embedded that phase, and perhaps do a thing or two after
Virtual patching is, by far, the activity ModSecurity The embedded option is a great choice for the phase rules have finished.
offers that requires the least investment, is the those who already have their architecture laid
easiest to perform, and that most organizations out and don’t want to change it. Embedded
can benefit from straight away. deployment is also the preferred option if Request headers
we need to protect hundreds of web servers. The request headers phase is the first entry
In such situations, it is impractical to build a
Full HTTP traffic logging point for ModSecurity. The principal purpose
Web servers traditionally do very little when separate proxy-based security layer. Embedded of this phase is to allow rule writers to assess
it comes to logging for security purposes. They ModSecurity not only does not introduce new a request before the costly request body
points of failure, but also it scales seamlessly
log very little by default, and even with a lot of as the underlying web infrastructure scales. The processing is undertaken. Similarly, there is often
tweaking we can’t get all the data that we need. main challenge of embedded deployment is that a need to influence how ModSecurity will process
ModSecurity gives us the ability to log everything, server resources are shared between the web a request body, and this phase is the place to do
including raw transaction data, which is essential server and ModSecurity. it. For example, ModSecurity will not parse an XML
for forensics. In addition, we get to choose request body by default, but we can instruct it do
which transactions are logged, which parts of so by placing the appropriate rules into phase 1.
a transaction are logged, and which parts are Reverse proxy
sanitized. As a bonus, this type of detailed logging Reverse proxies are effectively HTTP routers,
is also helpful for application troubleshooting— designed to stand between web servers and Request body
not just security. their clients. When we install a dedicated reverse The request body phase is the main request
October 2021
20 October 2021