Page 24 - info_oct_2021_draft13
P. 24
Extrapolation of Relationships between datasets
• Round the clock visibility can help in identifying security posture status then the AI-ML plays a vital role in fetching key
which vulnerabilities/ loop holes, are being insights from the logs. These insights can further
exploited, this information can aid developers/ Conclusion contribute to policy making and other decision
administrators to fix them quickly Logs form an important part of an ICT system. support systems. Moreover, it enhances the
• Can aid in the troubleshooting of issues in Govt All supported ICT systems should be configured visibility of what is happening around in the ICT
infrastructure and when this visibility combined
websites/ ICT Infrastructure, the platform can to generate and store logs. It is advisable to with the insights, it can become a formidable tool
also reduce the time to identify and fix the store the logs in a central logging server, which to strengthen the overall security posture of NIC
issue is independent of the log source. The logs should and the government at large.
be configured to capture crucial details like
• As logs from multiple NDCs and States are to be timestamp, source, destination, request, port,
ingested into the security analytics platform, protocol, username, etc. The most important
the Machine Learning Models, can get exposed aspect is the timestamp, it is essential that all
to a vast, varied and more unique data events, ICT systems within NIC are synchronized with the For further information, please contact:
which can aid in training the models to achieve same time stamp from the central NTP server. If Hari Haran M
a much higher level of accuracy time stamps are not synchronized, then the very National Informatics Centre
• Ministry/ State/ Project specific Dashboard and purpose of logging may be defeated. Once we CGO Complex, Lodhi Road
New Delhi - 110 003
Reporting view, for up-to-date analytics and collect and aggregate logs from multiple sources, Email:, Phone: 011-22907465
24 October 2021