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a trillion towards the end of this decade. These
                                                                                 devices are highly vulnerable to cyber threats
                                                                                 due  to  their  limitation  in  computation,  network
                                                                                 capacity and storage, and ubiquitous nature.
                                                                                 Therefore, IoT security requires self-healing and
                                                                                 automated mechanism for detection of threats,
                                                                                 avoidance of data compromisation and reduction
             Endpoint Central                                        Endpoint    of response and downtime.
             Server & Database                                     Update Server
                                                                                    Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR): EDR
                                                                                 integrates  rule-based  automated  analysis  and
                                                                                 response capabilities with the endpoint data
                                                                                 gathering and real-time persistent monitoring.
                                                                                 The main focus of EDR is on identification and
                                                                                 investigation of suspicious activities at endpoints
               Endpoint                  Edge Relay Server                       along with automation for faster detection and
            Server & Database                                                    response. Threat intelligence feed from various
                                                                                 sources enhances the efficiency of EDR solution
                                                                                 for  the  identification  of  advanced  exploits  such
                                                                                 as zero day and multi-layered threats. Some
                                                                                 EDR solutions utilize Artificial Intelligence and
                                                                                 machine learning for the automotive investigation
                                                                                 and analysis about potential threats.
                     On Premise Endpoint Clients  Web based central  Off Premise
                                           monitoring     Endpoint Clients
                                                                                    Endpoint Encryption:  Encryption is the
                                                                                 technique to encode data on endpoint devices
                                                                                 in unreadable format to make it unusable for
          with machines. Traditional endpoint security   (EDR)  is also integrated  to  detect and prevent   unauthorized  actors.  For  authorized  users  the
          solutions such as firewall, antivirus, reputation,   file-less, zero-day and script based threats like   data would be decrypted with the associated
          and  heuristics  are  integrated  with  machine   ransomware. The key capabilities of advanced   decryption key to make it accessible. Sensitive
          learning and artificial intelligence to detect and   endpoint security solutions are explained below.  information of critical applications such as
          prevent advanced threats with nearly same speed                        healthcare, banking, defense etc. is protected
          as of threats.                        Security Analytics: In security analytics, data   from unauthorized access using endpoint
                                             related to endpoints is aggregated and analysed   encryption. Using this technique, the operating
          Traditional Antivirus              using security analytics tools for the detection   system can be protected from “Evil Maid” threats
            Antivirus is an endpoint solution developed   of potential attacks. Malicious activities and   which install corrupt boot files and key logger.
          for the detection, prevention and elimination   associated harmful effects are identified and
          of malicious actors such as viruses, worms, and   mitigated to avoid the damage caused by them.  Extended Detection and Response (XDR):
          Trojans on end point devices based on large                            XDR is an enhanced form of EDR with improved
          database of malware signatures. The antivirus   Machine Learning: Machine learning is   detection and response capabilities using real-
          solutions detect malware with the scan of files   one of the prominent components of artificial   time data.  It is a SaaS-based technique that
          and directories based on patterns that matches   intelligence (AI), through which enormous data   collects data across multiple components and
          the malware signatures on file. Antivirus software   is analyzed for behavioral learning of endpoints.   correlates it by utilizing behavioral analysis,
          is provided by a number  of vendors,  with the   Based on behavioral learning, malicious activities   threat intelligence and data science techniques.
          versions developed for small businesses,   are identified and automatic security processes   XDR has the ability to optimize response with
          personal use and large enterprises. The antivirus   such as quarantining the endpoint and/or   increased visibility and advanced context while
          software has the capability to scan the system on-  issuing of alerts are triggered. In present working   reducing the scope and severity of attack.
          demand as well as at scheduled intervals. They   environment, Machine Learning has become one
          also warn the user before visiting the malicious   of the important techniques for the detection of   Conclusion
          sites by virtue of its safety features. Further, they   advanced threats at endpoints such as novel and   Attackers usually target endpoints devices as
          have the capability to identify different types of   zero day attacks.  the start points for malicious entity. Advanced
          threats that are attacking the endpoint device.                        security solutions are required for quick
          The major limitation of these solutions is that   Real-Time Threat Intelligence: Real-time   detection, analysis, blocking, and containing of
          they are able to recognize only known threats   threat intelligence provides updates from external   threats. For this purpose, the endpoint security
          and need to update signature database for new   security agencies about novel security threats   technologies need to collaborate with each other
          threats.                           such as zero-days, file-less malware and other   and share threat intelligence.
                                             trending malware in the cyber world. It expedites
          Advanced Endpoint Security         threat analysis, detection and prevention in the
            Cyber  world requires  advanced endpoint   real-world scenario.
          security  solution  as  applicability  of  traditional
          solutions is limited only to known threats.   Internet of Things (IoT) security: With the   For further information, please contact:
          Advanced endpoint security integrates features   advent of smart everything (like smart cities,   Diwan Hauym Khan
          of traditional solutions such as firewall, antivirus,   smart industry, smart healthcare) IoT has   Scientist-F
                                                                                 National Informatics Centre, A-Block, CGO Complex
          reputation, and heuristics with Behavioral   incredible  impact and  proliferation  in every   Lodhi Road,
          Analysis, Machine Learning and containment.   domain  of life.  According  to surveys, the  count   New Delhi - 110003
          Besides, Endpoint Detection and Response   of IoT devices connected worldwide will cross   Email:, Phone: 011-2430 5608

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