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prevent threats from entering organization’s   include:                things happen. First, threats that are detected
          network. The system monitors organization’s   Email Filtering:  Organisations  communicate   early are eliminated so that they won’t pose a
          network continuously and scans the traffic for   heavily through email, and cyber attackers make   threat  or  be able  to  block authentic attempts
          possible risk to gather more information and   continuous efforts to exploit this dependency.   to enter the system. The next thing to happen is
          administer the proper preventative actions. This   Often,  end point/ end  user  protection  is not   that if a suspected data packet or email enters
          system can be used to identify violations against   enough to prevent someone from opening   the system and is picked up as a threat, but
          access rules and policies It is also capable of   infected emails and attachments. Filtering emails   clarification is needed, it is sent to an area where
          defending against Zero-day attacks.  at the gateway can reduce the risk of infections   it can be easily verified. This rapid capture and
                                             and data breaches.
                                                                                 validation process means less downtime and
             De-Militarized Zones: The purpose of DMZ is   Email Encryption: Once an email leaves server,
          to enable access to resources from the untrusted   it can be intercepted by attackers. If there is any   allows organisation to continue to be productive.
                                                                                 It also eliminates the need for a security
          network while keeping the system or host on an   sensitive information within the email, there can   administrator  to  have  to  go  into  the  system  to
          organization’s  internal  private  network  secure.   be a potential for a breach of data. With email   sanitize an item. The right defence at the right
          Resources that are commonly placed within the   encryption, the email and its data are altered into   time within a layered Cyber security program
          DMZ are Mail servers, FTP servers, Web servers,   a non-readable and incomprehensible format.  offers an organization a chance to continue to
          DNS servers and VoIP servers.         Data Encryption:  Like  email  encryption,   work at full speed while defence mechanisms are
                                             data encryption protects information from   in place and taking care of security.
                                                unauthorized access even in the event of any   Layered defence approach also reduces
                 Network Perimeter Defence         type of breach. Using an effective data   false positives that may prevent an organisation
                                                     encryption platform may not prevent   from maintaining interaction with legitimate
                                                       the  occurrence  of  a  data  breach,   contacts, while at the same time helping improve
                 Host Defence
                                                        but it virtually renders the data   organisational visibility. By establishing a
                                                         unreadable  (and  therefore  verified pathway that goes from the network to
                                                          useless) to anyone trying to   the server following a defined set of points that
                 Application Defence
                                                           access it.            lie in between, any type of threat is detected
                                                              In current times, one   much easier and eliminated without slowing
                                                             more  layer  of  Mobile   down operations. The layered security concept
                 Data Defence                                security has been added   creates an interwoven network of protection that
                                                             to the strategy. Mobile   prevents unwanted intruders from exploiting the
                                                             workplaces  and virtual   existing vulnerabilities (or even lingering for long
                                                             offices  are  becoming  periods of time) within the system.
          Host Defence                       the norm, especially due to the growing work-  Layered approach provides multi-levels of
            Host  defence  comprises  of  End  Points  and   from-home  culture  in  the wake  of the  COVID   defence that both identifies and eliminates
          Anti-malware/ Anti-virus solutions for End User   pandemic. Mobile devices can increase the risk of   threats on many different levels. With each added
          Protection.  Whether  users  use  desktop  PC’s,   security breaches which can lead to disruption of   layer, it compounds level of protection until a wall
          laptops, iPads, tablets, or any other devices, it is   operations, data leaks, compromised information,   of security is created that is almost impenetrable.
          critical to mitigate the risk of attacks which can   financial losses, unavailability of services etc.   The increased risk of loss associated with cyber-
          find their way into an organisation’s network   Thus,  Mobile Device  Management  becomes  a   attacks cannot be denied, so it’s vital that a
          by means of the end point/ end user vector.   necessity to ensure the safety and security of the   security approach is followed which takes many
          Endpoint security controls protect the connection   equipment as well as the data and proprietary   different types of threats into consideration and
          between devices and the internal network of the   information for employees working from home   deals with each one quickly and efficiently.
          organisation. It also protects the user data and   and off-site locations. Organisations must make
          resources along with the protecting other hosts   sure that they can encrypt, secure, and remotely   Conclusion
          from the compromised ones by blocking lateral   remove sensitive data and information that could   Strengthening  the  cyber-security
          spread of malware within the organisation’s   fall into the wrong hands.  infrastructure of the country has become
          secured network.                                                       imperative with Government of India launching
                                             Benefits of Layered Security
          Application Defence                   The key benefit of layered security strategy   several initiatives for efficient delivery of services
            Application defence is the process of   is that it provides measures corresponding to   to citizens. The country is consistently improving
          developing,  adding,  and  testing  security  Protection, Detection, and Response. Layers are   the ranking in Global Cyber Security Index
          features  within  applications  to  prevent  beneficial for many reasons. Each layer provides   released by International Telecommunication
          security  vulnerabilities  against  threats such as   an additional level of defence so that with   Union (ITU). Continuous efforts are needed to
          unauthorized access and modification. It involves   each extra layer of security that can be added,   further improve this posture. In a scenario where
          security  measures at the application level  that   it becomes more challenging to find ways to   Governments and corporates are facing frequent
          aim to prevent data or code within the app from   infiltrate the system. While each layer in and of   data breaches, layered security has become the
          being stolen, altered or hijacked. It encompasses   itself is not an adequate defence mechanism,   norm of the day to minimize the conventional as
          the security considerations that happen during   layering them together improves each one’s   well as the emerging threats.
          application development and design, but it also   efficiency until the last layer nearly completely
          involves systems and approaches to protect   blocks out the hacker’s ability to gain access.
          apps after they get deployed like Authentication,   Instead of trying to rely on just one or two
          Authorization, Encryption, Application security   levels of defence, like access cards and two-step   For further information, please contact:
                                                                                 Abhishek Sisodia
          testing etc.                                                           Scientist - B
                                             identification, multiple layers of security will   National Informatics Centre, A-Block
          Data Defence                       lower the risk of a breach and make it easier to   CGO Complex, Lodhi Road
            Data defence include measures to protect the   respond to legitimate inquiries and requests.  New Delhi - 110003
          storage and transfer of data. Different methods   With  a  layered  defence  approach,  several   Email: abhishek.sisodia, Phone: 011-24305865

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