Page 6 - Guaranty Home Mortgage-2022-Benefit Guide
P. 6

Medical and Pharmacy Coverage

                                                     NEW!                UHC Base Plan          UHC Buy-Up Plan
         Medical Plan Provisions                 HDHP/HSA Plan

         Actual Member Deductible
         (Individual/Family)                      $2,250/$4,500           $1,000/$2,000           $1,000/$2,000
         Company Contribution to HRA or HSA
         (Individual/Family)                     HSA: $750/$1,500       HRA: $4,000/$8,000      HRA: $4,000/$8,000
         Annual Deductible                        $3,000/$6,000           $5,000/$10,000          $5,000/$10,000
         (Individual/Family)                       (embedded)
         Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum             $7,000/$14,000          $6,600/$13,200          $7,150/$14,300
         (Includes Deductible)
         Preventive Care                         Covered at 100%         Covered at 100%         Covered at 100%
         Primary Care Provider Office Visit           50%*                    50%*                  $30 copay
         Specialist Office Visit                      50%*                    50%*                  $50 copay
         Telemedicine                                $49 fee                 $49 fee             Covered at 100%
         X-Ray and Lab                                50%*                    50%*               Covered at 100%
         Inpatient Hospital Services                  50%*                    50%*                    50%*
         Urgent Care                                  50%*                    50%*                  $50 copay
         Emergency Room                               50%*                    50%*                    50%*
         Retail Pharmacy (up to a 30-day supply)
         Generic                                    $10 copay*              $10 copay               $10 copay
         Brand Preferred                            $35 copay*              $45 copay               $45 copay
         Brand Non-Preferred                        $70 copay*              $90 copay               $90 copay
        *After deductible

        Your payroll contributions for medical benefits are shown here.

                                                     NEW!                UHC Base Plan          UHC Buy-Up Plan
                                                 HDHP/HSA Plan

         Coverage Level                       Bi-Weekly    Monthly    Bi-Weekly    Monthly    Bi-Weekly    Monthly
         Employee Only                          $17.31     $37.50      $34.62      $75.00       $46.15     $100.00
         Employee + Spouse                     $132.69     $287.50     $265.38     $575.00     $334.62     $725.00
         Employee + Child(ren)                 $86.54      $187.50     $173.08     $375.00     $230.77     $500.00

         Family                                $173.08     $375.00     $346.15     $750.00     $415.38     $900.00
        Benefits shown above are in-network only. Your plan offers out-of-network benefits as well. Refer to your certificate of coverage or for details.

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