Page 15 - Watermark 2022 Benefits Guide - CA
P. 15

Life Insurance and Disability

        Life and AD&D Insurance                                   Disability Insurance

        Watermark Retirement Communities provides basic life and   Disability insurance provides income replacement should you
        AD&D insurance for employees and offers voluntary         become disabled and unable to work due to a non-work-
        insurance options for employees and their dependents.     related illness or injury.
        Basic Life and AD&D Insurance

                                                                   Coverage                   Benefit
        Life insurance is an important part of your financial wellbeing,
        especially if others depend on you for support. Watermark                Covers 50% of weekly base salary
        provides basic life and accidental death and dismemberment   STD Base     Weekly maximum benefit up to $1,500
        insurance of $15,000 to all benefit eligible, full-time    Plan*
                                                                                 Benefits begin on the 15th day for
        associates through UnitedHealthcare. Coverage is automatic;
                                                                                 accident or illness
        you do not need to enroll. This benefit is provided at no cost
                                                                                 Benefit duration is up to 26 weeks
        to you.
        Voluntary Life and AD&D Insurance                          STD Buy-Up     Covers 66.67% of weekly base salary
                                                                   Plan*         Weekly maximum benefit up to $1,500
                                                                                 Benefit begins on the 1st day for accident
        You may choose to purchase additional life and AD&D                      and 8th day for illness
        coverage for yourself and your dependents at affordable                  Benefit duration is up to 26 weeks
        group rates. Rates are based on age and the coverage
        level chosen.
                                                                   LTD Plan      Covers 60% of monthly base salary
                                                                                 Monthly maximum benefit up to $10,000
                Voluntary Life and AD&D Insurance for you
                                                                                 Benefit begins after 180 days of disability
                                                                                 Two Year Own Occupation definition of
                                                                                 disability; benefits payable to age 65 if
           $10,000 to a maximum of the lesser of 5x earnings or                 totally disabled
           The lesser of 3x salary or $300,000 is Guaranteed Issue
           when first eligible

                   Voluntary Life and AD&D Insurance                *To ensure that you follow the correct procedures
                         for your dependents                        for submitting an STD claim, we have outlined the
                                                                    process on the following page.  Please refer to this
         Spouse                   Child(ren)
                                                                    page so you do not delay the process for your claim
           Increments of $10,000 to     Increments of $2,000 to a   payment.
           a maximum of $250,000;   maximum of $10,000; not
           not to exceed 50% of     to exceed 50% of
           associate election       associate election
           $30,000 Guaranteed Issue    $10,000 Guaranteed
           when first eligible

        Note: If you do not elect coverage for Voluntary Life and AD&D during your
        initial enrollment, you will be subject to Evidence of Insurability (EOI) if you
        elect coverage at a later date. United Healthcare will review your application
        and either approve/deny your request to enroll.

        If you elect benefits over the stated Guaranteed Issue amounts noted above,
        you must complete an Evidence of Insurability (EOI) form for United
        Healthcare's review. Your request to enroll over the guaranteed issue
        amount will then either by approved or denied.

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