Page 5 - 2022 CAPREIT Benefits Guide
P. 5

Medical Coverage
            Cigna PPO                          Offers a choice of Cigna medical plan options so you can choose the plan
                                               that best meets your needs – and those of your family.

            Plan Provisions                 High Option            Middle Option             Standard Option
                                          In-        Out-of-       In-       Out-of-        In-         Out-of-
                                       Network      Network     Network      Network      Network       Network

            Annual Deductible            $400        $1,000      $1,000       $2,000       $2,000        $5,000
            (Individual/Family)          $800        $2,000      $2,000       $4,000       $4,000       $10,000
            Out-of-Pocket Maximum       $1,500       $3,000      $3,000       $6,000       $6,000       $10,000
            (Includes Deductible)       $3,000       $6,000      $6,000      $12,000      $12,000       $12,000

            Lifetime Maximum                 Unlimited                Unlimited                  Unlimited

            Preventive Care              100%        100%         100%        100%         100%          100%

                                                    70% after                60% after                  50% after
            Physician / Specialist Office Visit  $20 copay      $30 copay                 $40 copay
                                                   deductible               deductible                 deductible
                                                    70% after                60% after                  50% after
            Urgent Care                $20 copay                $30 copay                 $40 copay
                                                   deductible               deductible                 deductible
                                       90% after    70% after   80% after    60% after    70% after     50% after
            X-Ray and Lab
                                       deductible  deductible   deductible  deductible   deductible    deductible
                                       90% after    70% after   80% after    60% after    70% after     50% after
            Inpatient Hospital Services
                                       deductible  deductible   deductible  deductible   deductible    deductible
                                       90% after    70% after   80% after    60% after    70% after     50% after
            Outpatient Hospital Services
                                       deductible  deductible   deductible  deductible   deductible    deductible
                                       90% after                80% after                 70% after
                                     deductible  In-  70% after   deductible    60% after   deductible   50% after
            Mental / Substance Abuse
                                      patient $20   deductible  In-patient   deductible  In-patient $40   deductible
                                        copay                   $30 copay                  copay
            ❖ Emergency Room Care
                                         90% after deductible
            Medical emergency only                                80%  after deductible     70%  after deductible
                                       90% / 70% after deductible
            Ambulance Services                                  80%/60% after deductible   70%/50% after deductible
                                        Pays 100% of first $500
            Supplemental Accident Benefits
            ❖ Retail Prescription Drugs
               (30-day supply)
            •  Generic                        $5 copay                 $5 copay                  $5 copay
            •  Brand Preferred               $35 copay                $40 copay                 $50 copay

            •  Brand Non-preferred           $55 copay                $60 copay                 $75 copay
            ❖ Mail Order Prescription
               Drugs (90-day supply)
            •  Generic                       $10 copay                $10 copay                 $10 copay
            •  Brand Preferred               $70 copay                $80 copay                 $100 copay
            •  Brand Non-preferred           $110 copay               $120 copay                $150 copay

            ❖ No coverage for non-emergent use of the emergency room
            ❖ Prescription Drugs: 100% after copays up to $5,000 in covered drugs, then 50% from $5,000 to $10,000, then 100% after  copays

                 Important Notes:  This is a summary of your coverage only. Please refer to your summary plan description for the full scope of coverage.
                 In-network services are based on negotiated charges; out-of-network services are based on Reasonable & Customary (R&C) charges.

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