Page 23 - 1800Flowers 2022 Benefits Guide
P. 23
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) Life and Disability Insurance Coverage
Company Paid Basic Life Insurance
Life insurance is an important part of your financial security, especially if others depend on you for support. Basic Life
Insurance through Voya is available to all eligible associates at no cost. This benefit includes:
• One times annual basic earnings, up to a maximum benefit of $50,000
Employee Paid Supplemental Life and Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D)
Insurance Coverage
Associate Spouse Child
1x to 6x your earnings up to $1.5 million $5,000 increments up to the lesser of $100,000 or $5,000 increments up to $25,000
100% of the associate’s election
Amounts more than 4x earnings or
$500,000 will require evidence of Amounts more than $30,000 will require evidence
good health of good health
1/2x, 1x to 4x your earnings up to 60% of associate AD&D coverage (if spouse and 20% of associate AD&D
$1 million child(ren) both elect, 50% of spouse and 15% for coverage for each child
each child)
Coverage to age 26
Please Note: If you are a new hire, you may elect coverage up to the Guaranteed Issue amount without Evidence of good health. Premiums are based on the amount of
coverage you elect and ages of you and your covered dependents. You must elect supplemental coverage in order to purchase coverage for your spouse and/or children.
Disability Insurance Coverage
The goal of the 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc. Disability Insurance Plans is to provide income replacement if you become
disabled and unable to work due to a non work-related illness or injury. Short-Term Disability will also provide income
replacement for the time following the delivery of a child. The Company provides disability coverage to eligible associates at
no cost. You may also purchase additional (Buy-Up) coverage.
Short-Term Disability (STD) Long-Term Disability (LTD)
Core Buy-Up Core Buy-Up
Covers 50% of your weekly Covers 60% of your weekly Covers 50% of your monthly Covers 60% of your monthly
pre-disability earnings — up pre-disability earnings — up to pre-disability earnings — up to a pre-disability earnings — up to a
to a $170 weekly maximum a $1,500 weekly maximum $2,500 monthly maximum $10,000 monthly maximum
Benefits begin on the eighth day of injury or illness and continue to Benefits begin after 180 days of disability or illness and continue to the
the earlier of recovery or 26 weeks earlier of recovery or Social Security Normal Retirement Age
Please Note: If you are a new hire, you may elect the disability buy up options without evidence of good health. If you do not elect these coverages when newly eligible,
evidence of good health will be required.