Page 24 - 1800Flowers 2022 Benefits Guide
P. 24
Specialty Benefits
Additional benefit programs are available at your own cost:
Accident Coverage* Legal Services
• Provides cash benefits for out-of-pocket expenses • Provides unlimited access to professional legal
associated with a non-work-related accidental injury assistance through a nationwide network of
• Can help protect your savings professional, qualified attorneys
• Pays you a set amount per event, such as hospital • Features attorneys who are available via phone
admission, surgery and even outpatient doctor visits consultations, office visits or email
Critical Illness Coverage* Identity Theft Protection
Identity theft can be costly, time-consuming, and stressful.
• Can offset the costs your existing health and
disability benefits do not cover Identity Theft Protection Specialty Benefits will:
• Will be paid in a lump sum in the event you are • Help you detect potential fraud or theft earlier
diagnosed with certain conditions, including (but not through comprehensive identity, cyber and credit
limited to) a heart attack, stroke and major organ failure report monitoring
• Includes an annual wellness benefit of $100 for • Provide full identity restoration services if you become
you if you complete a health screening a victim of identity theft
• If your spouse and/or children is/are covered for Pet Insurance
Critical Illness Insurance, they are also eligible for a
wellness benefit Pet Insurance offers you financial protection against
unexpected veterinary expenses related to accidents and
Hospital Coverage* illness for all types of pets.
• Pays a daily benefit if you have a covered stay in a • Optional wellness coverage is also available for dogs
hospital, critical care unit or rehabilitation facility and cats to keep your pets healthy year after year
• Provides a benefit amount determined by the type of • Costs will vary depending on the coverage selected,
facility and the number of days you stay your pet’s species, breed and age
• Receive a no-obligation quote by visiting the
*Coverage is available to you and your family members. Nationwide URL located on the Benefits Contacts page
You must be actively at work in order for claims to be paid under the Accident, in this guide
Critical Illness and Hospital Confinement Insurance programs.
Please note: The pet insurance premium is paid by you
directly to Nationwide and not through payroll deduction.