Page 48 - 2022 Insurity OE Guide FINAL
P. 48


            Brand Name Drugs: Drugs sold under a specific name or   FSA Grace Period: An extended period of coverage at the
            trademark that are protected by a patent. Brand name drugs are   end of every FSA plan year, that allows you extra time to incur
            generally the most expensive choice.                expenses to use your remaining FSA balance after the close of
                                                                the plan year. The grace period is 2 ½ months (through March
            Coinsurance: The percentage of a covered charge paid by
                                                                15th of the following year).
            the plan.
            Copayment (Copay): A flat dollar amount you pay for medical   FSA Run Out: Also referred to as filing limit – the amount of time
            or prescription drug services, regardless of the actual amount   for an HDHP/HSA member has to submit a claim toward prior
            charged by your doctor or health care provider.     year funds. Members have until March 31st of the following year
                                                                to submit claims for the prior year. This includes requests to use
            Deductible: The annual amount you and your family must pay
                                                                grace period dollars that carried over.
            each year before the plan pays benefits.
                                                                Generic Drugs: Generic drugs are less expensive versions of
            Embedded and Non-Embedded Deductible
                                                                brand name drugs that have the same intended use, dosage,
            O    Embedded Deductible – Each family member has an   effects, risks, safety and strength. The strength and purity of
               individual deductible in addition to the overall family   generic medications are strictly regulated by the Federal Food
               deductible. Meaning if an individual in the family reaches his   and Drug Administration.
               or her deductible before the family deductible is reached,
                                                                Guaranteed Issue: Eligibility member and/or dependent able
               his or her services will be paid by the insurance company.  to enroll up to a voluntary benefit amount without requiring
            O    Non-Embedded Deductible – There is no individual
                                                                evidence of insurability.
               deductible. So the overall family deductible must be
                                                                Health Savings Account (HSA): A type of savings account
               reached, either by an individual or by the family, in order for
                                                                that allows you to set aside money on a pre-tax basis to pay for
               the insurance company to pay for services.
                                                                qualified medical expenses. HSAs can only be established in
            Flexible Spending Account (FSA): An employer sponsored
                                                                conjunction with a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP).
            health care benefit that allows employees to set aside monies,
            up to the IRS annual allowed amount (on a pre-tax basis) to cover   High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP): A plan with a higher
            the cost of qualified medical expenses not covered by insurance.  deductible than a traditional insurance plan. A High Deductible
                                                                Health Plan (HDHP) can be combined with a Health Savings
                                                                Account (HSA), allowing you to pay for certain medical expenses
                                                                with pre-tax dollars.

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