Page 44 - 2022 Insurity OE Guide FINAL
P. 44
UnitedHealthcare – Global
Business Travel Insurance
Insurity partners with UnitedHealthcare to include
UnitedHealthcare Global, a leading provider of
Always carry your member ID card with you when
international travel assistance services. UnitedHealthcare
traveling in a foreign country.
Global now provides a Global Business Travel policy to all
employees which includes 24-hour travel, medical, and
security assistance services to you while you are traveling
If you have a medical, travel, or security problem,
outside of your home country for the purpose of business.
call UnitedHealthcare Global. If you are experiencing
All employees are automatically covered by this policy a medical emergency, you should immediately go
to the nearest physician or hospital before calling
at no cost with no enrollment requirement or need to
UnitedHealthcare Global.
declare travel dates for coverage. Please note that travel Printed on your member ID card are Business Travel
for business within your home country will continue to be telephone numbers. Call toll-free +1-866-870-3475
or reverse charges calls are accepted at
covered under Insurity’s UHC group medical plan for +1-763-274-7364.
plan members.
UnitedHealthcare Global provides the following services
When you call, be prepared with as much of the
and benefits:
following information as possible:
O Travel Medical Expense Benefits and Assistance • your name
• your organization’s name and ID number
• description of the situation
O Medical Evacuation and Repatriation Benefits
• phone number to reach you
and Services
O Security Evacuation Benefits and Services
O Worldwide Destination Intelligence A UnitedHealthcare Global, multilingual assistance
coordinator will render whatever assistance is
You can find more information on this benefit, including necessary, and will continue to monitor your case until
a wallet card you can print out and keep with you while the situation is resolved.
traveling, on the UKG Pro homepage.