Page 39 - 2022 Insurity OE Guide FINAL
P. 39

Voluntary Critical Illness Plan Premiums

        Critical Illness is a 100% employee-paid benefit. Each eligible employee may elect for themselves and/or their eligible
        spouse or dependents an amount of insurance shown in the table below.

                                               Employee Monthly Premiums

         BENEFIT    AGE   AGE   AGE    AGE   AGE   AGE   AGE    AGE   AGE   AGE    AGE   AGE   AGE    AGE   AGE
         AMOUNT    0–19  20–24  25–29  30–34  35–39  40–44  45–49  50–54  55–59  60–64  65–69  70–74  75–79  80–84  85+
         $5,000    $2.70  $2.70  $3.05  $4.00  $5.50  $7.85  $11.00  $14.85  $20.20  $27.65  $36.05  $45.25  $45.25  $45.25  $45.25
         $6,000    $3.24  $3.24  $3.66  $4.80  $6.60  $9.42  $13.20  $17.82  $24.24  $33.18  $43.26  $54.30  $54.30  $54.30  $54.30
         $7,000    $3.78  $3.78  $4.27  $5.60  $7.70  $10.99  $15.40  $20.79  $28.28  $38.71  $50.47  $63.35  $63.35  $63.35  $63.35
         $8,000    $4.32  $4.32  $4.88  $6.40  $8.80  $12.56  $17.60  $23.76  $32.32  $44.24  $57.68  $72.40  $72.40  $72.40  $72.40
         $9,000    $4.86  $4.86  $5.49  $7.20  $9.90  $14.13  $19.80  $26.73  $36.36  $49.77  $64.89  $81.45  $81.45  $81.45  $81.45
         $10,000   $5.40  $5.40  $6.10  $8.00  $11.00  $15.70  $22.00  $29.70  $40.40  $55.30  $72.10  $90.50  $90.50  $90.50  $90.50
         $11,000   $5.94  $5.94  $6.71  $8.80  $12.10  $17.27  $24.20  $32.67  $44.44  $60.83  $79.31  $99.55  $99.55  $99.55  $99.55
         $12,000   $6.48  $6.48  $7.32  $9.60  $13.20  $18.84  $26.40  $35.64  $48.48  $66.36  $86.52 $108.60 $108.60 $108.60 $108.60
         $13,000   $7.02  $7.02  $7.93  $10.40  $14.30  $20.41  $28.60  $38.61  $52.52  $71.89  $93.73  $117.65  $117.65  $117.65  $117.65
         $14,000   $7.56  $7.56  $8.54  $11.20  $15.40  $21.98  $30.80  $41.58  $56.56  $77.42  $100.94 $126.70 $126.70 $126.70 $126.70
         $15,000   $8.10  $8.10  $9.15  $12.00  $16.50  $23.55  $33.00  $44.55  $60.60  $82.95  $108.15  $135.75  $135.75  $135.75  $135.75
         $16,000   $8.64  $8.64  $9.76  $12.80  $17.60  $25.12  $35.20  $47.52  $64.64  $88.48  $115.36  $144.80 $144.80 $144.80 $144.80
         $17,000   $9.18  $9.18  $10.37  $13.60  $18.70  $26.69  $37.40  $50.49  $68.68  $94.01  $122.57 $153.85 $153.85 $153.85 $153.85
         $18,000   $9.72  $9.72  $10.98  $14.40  $19.80  $28.26  $39.60  $53.46  $72.72  $99.54  $129.78 $162.90 $162.90 $162.90 $162.90
         $19,000   $10.26  $10.26  $11.59  $15.20  $20.90  $29.83  $41.80  $56.43  $76.76  $105.07 $136.99  $171.95  $171.95  $171.95  $171.95
         $20,000   $10.80  $10.80  $12.20  $16.00  $22.00  $31.40  $44.00  $59.40  $80.80  $110.60 $144.20 $181.00  $181.00  $181.00  $181.00
         $21,000   $11.34  $11.34  $12.81  $16.80  $23.10  $32.97  $46.20  $62.37  $84.84  $116.13  $151.41  $190.05 $190.05 $190.05 $190.05
         $22,000   $11.88  $11.88  $13.42  $17.60  $24.20  $34.54  $48.40  $65.34  $88.88  $121.66 $158.62  $199.10  $199.10  $199.10  $199.10
         $23,000   $12.42  $12.42  $14.03  $18.40  $25.30  $36.11  $50.60  $68.31  $92.92  $127.19  $165.83 $208.15 $208.15 $208.15 $208.15
         $24,000   $12.96  $12.96  $14.64  $19.20  $26.40  $37.68  $52.80  $71.28  $96.96  $132.72 $173.04 $217.20 $217.20 $217.20 $217.20
         $25,000   $13.50  $13.50  $15.25  $20.00  $27.50  $39.25  $55.00  $74.25  $101.00 $138.25 $180.25 $226.25 $226.25 $226.25 $226.25
         $26,000   $14.04  $14.04  $15.86  $20.80  $28.60  $40.82  $57.20  $77.22  $105.04 $143.78  $187.46 $235.30 $235.30 $235.30 $235.30
         $27,000   $14.58  $14.58  $16.47  $21.60  $29.70  $42.39  $59.40  $80.19  $109.08  $149.31  $194.67 $244.35 $244.35 $244.35 $244.35
         $28,000   $15.12  $15.12  $17.08  $22.40  $30.80  $43.96  $61.60  $83.16  $113.12  $154.84 $201.88 $253.40 $253.40 $253.40 $253.40
         $29,000   $15.66  $15.66  $17.69  $23.20  $31.90  $45.53  $63.80  $86.13  $117.16  $160.37 $209.09 $262.45 $262.45 $262.45 $262.45
         $30,000   $16.20  $16.20  $18.30  $24.00  $33.00  $47.10  $66.00  $89.10  $121.20 $165.90 $216.30 $271.50 $271.50 $271.50 $271.50

        Employee and Spouse Premiums                           Dependent Child(ren) Benefit Premiums

        To calculate employee and spouse premiums:             Dependent Child(ren) Benefit: Your dependent child(ren)
        O   Determine your age band:                           are eligible for a benefit amount of 25% of your Critical
                                                               Illness benefit election, limited to a maximum of $15,000.
               –  Your age = your age at your last birthday
               –  Spouse age = Spouse age at their last birthday  Example: Employee Benefit Amount x 25% = Dependent
                                                               Child(ren) Benefit. No rounding needed.
        O   Select an employee and a spouse benefit from the
                                                               To calculate Dependent Child(ren) Premium: Dependent
            table above
        O   Employee and spouse rates change as insured moves   Child(ren) Benefit/1000 x 0.700. Please note: One rate and
                                                               benefit amount for all eligible children in family, regardless
            from one age bracket to the next, based on the age
                                                               of number.
            determination rules

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