Page 35 - 2022 Insurity OE Guide FINAL
P. 35
Reliance Standard – Employee Paid
Supplemental Life and Accidental Death
& Dismemberment
Supplemental Life Insurance & Accidental Death Evidence of Insurability
& Dismemberment (AD&D)
• Employee maximum $650k elected in increments of $5k None required when you are in your new hire eligibility
• AD&D: Automatically included and equal to your Supplemental period up to the following Guaranteed Issue (GI) limits:
Life election • Employee: GI up to $300k
• Spouse maximum $250k elected in increments of $5k up to age 70. • Spouse: GI up to $25k
Spousal coverage cannot exceed 100% of Employee Supplemental • Child: GI is $10k
Life coverage
Evidence of Insurability is required for any amounts requested above
• AD&D: Automatically included and equal to your Supplemental the Guaranteed Issue or if you are a late entrant. Reliance Standard
Life election will review the Evidence of Insurability and can approve OR decline
• Child(ren) flat $10k amount, includes all eligible child(ren) age 14 days the benefit requested.
to 26 years Please see below for additional information.
• AD&D: Automatically included and equal to your Supplemental
Life election
If you enroll yourself, you can choose to enroll your legal spouse
and/or child(ren).
Evidence of Insurability (EOI) is an application process Evidence of Insurability is not required when:
in which you provide information on the condition of O Qualifying Life Events (marriage, birth, etc.) with
your health and/or your dependents’ health, in order to elections made up to the Guaranteed Issue amount
be considered for certain types of insurance coverage. that are submitted within 31 days of the Life Event
Additional medical information may be required based O Newly eligible employee (New Hire, Status change,
upon completion of form and elected amounts. etc.) with elections made up to the Guaranteed Issue
EOI is used by insurance companies to determine whether amount that are submitted within 31 days of the
a person meets the definition of good health and is an Life Event
acceptable risk. Additional information may be required O Employee Supplemental Life elections up to $300k
based upon the completion of the form and/or elected during Open Enrollment, so long as already enrolled
amounts. in the plan
Evidence of Insurability is required when: Please note:
O Supplemental Life and AD&D amounts exceed the O If you are required to submit EOI, it must be
Guaranteed Issue completed within 60 days
O An employee, spouse or child is a Late Entrant (did not O The increase in benefit is not in effect until after
elect benefits when first eligible) the EOI is approved by Reliance Standard
O Employee Supplemental Life and AD&D amount is O The effective date of the increased amount is
increased during Open Enrollment or a Qualifying Life provided by Reliance Standard at the time of the
Event above the Guaranteed Issue amount of $300k approval and is not retroactive back to when it
O Any increase in Spousal Supplemental Life and AD&D was elected