Page 31 - 2022 Insurity OE Guide FINAL
P. 31
Monthly Dental Employee Contributions
Did You Know?
Guardian – Dental Plan
Tier 1 – Base Annual Salary less than $60,000 Brushing twice a day for two minutes is one of the easiest
EE Only $20 (and most important) things you can do for your dental
EE + Child(ren) $55 and overall health.
EE + Spouse $50 Learn the correct method for brushing and
EE + Family $80 flossing and many other recommendations and
Tier 2 – Base Annual Salary $60,000 – $89,999 tips for good oral health by visiting the American
EE Only $25 Dental Association’s Mouth Healthy website at
EE + Child(ren) $65
EE + Spouse $60
If you are enrolled in the Guardian Dental plan, you have
EE + Family $100 an additional discount program through Davis Vision. This
Tier 3 – Base Annual Salary $90,000 and Above is provided to you at no additional cost. In addition, you
EE Only $30 also have a vision screening benefit every 24 months
EE + Child(ren) $80
under the UHC medical plans.
EE + Spouse $70
EE + Family $120