Page 10 - 2022 DPR Construction Benefit Guide_Craft Employees
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                                                                    To learn more about the program and to see if you’re
        A Whole New Way to Get Healthy                              eligible, visit

        Omada is a digital lifestyle change program designed to help at-risk individuals combat obesity-related chronic disease.
        Participants in Omada learn how to make modest health changes that can lead to weight loss and reduced risk for type 2
        diabetes and heart disease. This DPR-paid program is only available to employees and adult dependents covered by a Cigna
        medical plan and meet the Omada clinical enrollment criteria.

              Dedicated              Wireless            Supportive              Weekly                Online
             Health Coach             Scale                 Group               Lessons               Games
               always on             to track            to keep you           that create           to make it
               your side            your success          motivated           lasting habits          all stick

        Additional Information

        •  A health coach on your side: Omada’s personal, full-time health coach is trained to keep you on track on your best days
            and your worst.
        •  Tools to motivate you: Omada will mail you a wireless smart scale that will enable you to monitor your progress.
        •  Information becomes insight: Each week, you’ll learn simple rules for better eating, fitness, sleep and stress management
            that will have an immediate impact on the choices you make.
        •  Bounce back better: Slip-ups are inevitable. But Omada will teach you to recover quickly from setbacks and avoid them
            more easily next time.
        •  Enjoy every meal: Deprivation doesn’t work. You’ll learn to prepare easy but delicious meals that leave you feeling good,
            not guilty, and focus on nutrition and pleasure without obsessing about calories.
        •  Willpower comes included: You can’t do this alone. You’ll gain the support of a small group of peers just like you for
            encouragement and empathy at every step.
        Hinge Health                                                            Contact Hinge Health

                                                                                To learn more, visit:
        Virtual Physical Therapy Program Available                    

        to Conquer Back or Joint Pain

        You and your covered dependents get free access to Hinge   12-week program available to health plan members
        Health’s programs for back, knee, hip, neck, or shoulder pain,    which includes:
        and will include:                                         •  Personalized Exercise Therapy – including
        •  A free tablet computer and wearable sensors to             technology tools to measure your progress
            track therapy progress                                •  Behavioral Therapy – 1:1 Health Coaching
        •  Unlimited one-on-one health coaching                   •  Education – Personalized curriculum
        •  Personalized exercise therapy
                                                                  Eligibility: Employees and dependents 18+ enrolled in an eligible
                                                                  DPR Construction medical plan may apply.

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