Page 20 - Mersen Benefit Guide Local 502
P. 20

Dental Plan

        The Dental Plan (PDP) is administered by MetLife and offers access to in and out-of-network providers for dental services such

        as cleanings, preventive services as well as basic and major services. A comparison of the two plan options is noted below.
          Always keep in mind that in-network services/providers will save you money and offer a large network to choose from. All plan
        grids are available online on MetLife’s website

                                                       High Option                         Low Option
         Plan Provisions                      In-Network      Out-of-Network      In-Network       Out-of-Network
         Annual Deductible
                                                        $50/$150                            $50/$150
         Calendar Year Maximum                           $2,000                               $1,000

         Orthodontia Lifetime Maximum               $1,500 per individual                      N/A
         Diagnostic and Preventive Services
                                                     Covered at 100%                      Covered at 100%
         (e.g., X-rays, cleanings, exams)
         Basic and Restorative Services                   80%*                                80%*
         (e.g., fillings)
         Major Services
                                                          50%*                                 N/A
         (e.g., dentures, crowns, bridges)
         Orthodontia (Dep. Children Only)       50%* for children under age 26                 N/A
        *After deductible.  Charges for preventive care out-of-network may occur.
        Reimbursement for out-of-network services is based on the lesser of the dentist’s actual fee or the Maximum Allowable Charge (MAC). The out-of-network Maximum Allowable
        Charge is a scheduled amount determined by MetLife. This applies to Basic Restorative services for both plans. This also applies for Major Restorative services for the High Plan.

         Vision Plan

        The Vision Care Plan is administered by Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Davis Vision and covers a wide range of vision-

        related services and products; network of access points, including both private practice and leading retail chain providers.
                                                              Highmark BCBS Davis Vision Plan
         Plan Provision                            In-Network                            Out-of-Network

                                                 Covered 100%
         Exam                                                                             Up to $30 off
                                         (There is a hardware copay of $10)
                                                 $120 allowance                            Up to $30
         Fashion/Premier level frames           100%/$25 copay                               N/A
         from “The Collection”

         Single vision lenses                                                             Up to $25 off
         Bifocal lenses                          Covered 100%                             Up to $35 off
         Trifocal lenses                                                                  Up to $45 off

         Contact Lenses
         Elective                                Covered 100%                            Up to $225 off
         Medically necessary                                                                 N/A

         Exam                                      12 Months                               12 Months
         Lenses                                    12 Months                               12 Months
         Frames                                    12 Months                               12 Months

          For more information, please review your benefit summary on the ADP homepage.
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