Page 3 - Mersen Benefit Guide Local 502
P. 3


          Eligibility                                                  Eligible Dependents

          If you are an eligible full-time Mersen USA Holding Corp.,   Your dependent children are eligible for medical,
          employee (or a part-time employee regularly scheduled to     prescription drug, dental, vision, and dependent life
          work at least 30 hours a week), you are eligible to participate   insurance coverage until the last date of the month

          in the Mersen USA benefit program.                           following their 26th birthday (additional deductible applies
                                                                       to family members).
          However, you are not eligible to participate in the Mersen
          USA benefit program if you are:                              Children include your natural born children, legally adopted
                                                                       children, stepchildren and any child placed in your home for
                  •   Covered by a collective bargaining agreement     legal adoption or guardianship. You are responsible for
                      that does not provide eligibility for these      ensuring that your dependents enrolled in the plan meet
                      benefits.                                        the eligibility requirements. Your spouse is your legally
                  •   Employed by an affiliate of Mersen USA           married spouse.
                      Holding Corp., which does not offer these
                      benefits                                         What is a Qualifying Event?
                  •   Working at a specific division, department or
                      other business unit (which may include           Generally, you may only change your benefit elections
                      acquired operations) to which these benefits     during the annual open enrollment period. However, you
                      have not been extended                           may change your benefit elections during the year if you
                  •   An expatriate working in the US under an         experience an event such as:
                      assignment agreement
                                                                            •  Marriage
                                                                            •  Divorce/legal separation
          Coverage Effective Dates
                                                                            •  Birth/Adoption of your child/spouse’s child
          If you enroll in, reduce, or drop benefits in ADP during the
                                                                            •  Death of your spouse or dependent child
          annual open enrollment period, your change in coverage will
                                                                            •  Loss of coverage under another plan
          take effect on January 1, 2023.
                                                                     Qualifying Event Changes
          New hires must enroll/decline in ADP benefits
          online within 21 days of their hire date regardless of     You must notify Human Resources within 31 days of a
          eligibility for benefits.                                  qualifying life event.
          Union Base and Union Choice plans will not be available for   Depending on the type of event, you may need to provide
          new hire employees in 2023.                                proof of the event, such as a marriage license, birth
                                                                     certificate or divorce decree. If you do not contact Human
                                                                     Resources within 31 calendar days of the qualified event,
                                                                     you will have to wait until the next annual open enrollment
                                                                     period to make changes (unless you experience another
                                                                     qualifying life event).

                                                                     Changes should be made on the ADP Self-Service portal
                                                            Documentation should be
                                                                     provided to your local HR manager.
        Check your first 2023
        paystub to make sure
        you have enrolled in the
        correct plans.

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