Page 8 - Mersen Benefit Guide Local 502
P. 8

Here’s an example of your medical expenses shown through all the plans that are offered for the 2023 plan year.

                                                                             Mersen CHOICE
         Employee ONLY               Union BASE PLAN   Union CHOICE PLAN          PLAN          Mersen KEY PLAN

         Annual Physical covered at
         100%                              $0                 $0                   $0                  $0

         Two PCP Office visits ($150
         each)                             $50                $50                 $50                 $300
         Four preferred brand
         prescriptions ($500)             $100               $100                 $100                $500

         Total medical out of pocket
         expenses (Deductibles or
         Copays)                          $150               $150                 $150                $800

         Mersen HSA contributions          $0                 $0                   $0                 $750
         HSA pays portion of out-of-
         pocket costs                      $0                 $0                   $0                ($750)

         Total Expenses to be paid by
         employee (calculation
         includes HSA Savings)            $150               $150                 $150                 $50
         Annual Premium Employee
         Only Rate                       $3,535              $2,595              $2,035               $983

         Total Employee cost
         (Expenses + Premiums)           $3,685              $2,745              $2,185              $1,032

         HSA Rollover for following
         year                              $0                 $0                   $0                  $0

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