Page 5 - 2023 HCTec Benefits Guide Consultant
P. 5

Medical and Pharmacy Coverage

                                    Base CDHP                     Buy Up CDHP
      Medical Plan                                                                                  PPO Plan
                           In-Network    Out-of-Network    In-Network    Out-of-Network    In-Network    Out-of-Network
      Annual Deductible     Embedded        Embedded        Aggregate      Aggregate       Embedded        Embedded
        Individual           $4,500          $9,000          $3,000          $6,000          $3,000          $6,000
        Family               $9,000          $18,000         $6,000         $12,000          $6,000         $12,000

                            Embedded        Embedded        Aggregate      Aggregate       Embedded        Embedded
      Maximum                $6,000          $18,000         $3, 675        $11,025          $6,000         $18,000
        Individual           $12,000         $36,000         $7,350         $22,050         $12,000         $36,000

      Coinsurance             70%             50%             70%             50%             70%             50%

      Preventative Care       100%         Not Covered        100%         Not Covered       100%         Not Covered

      Office Visit
        Primary Care        70% after       50% after       70% after       50% after      $30 Copay*      50% after
        Specialist          Deductible      Deductible     Deductible      Deductible      $60 Copay*      Deductible
      Inpatient and         70% after       50% after        70% after      50% after       70% after      50% after
      Outpatient Services   Deductible      Deductible     Deductible      Deductible      Deductible      Deductible
                            70% after       50% after       70% after       50% after                      50% after
      Urgent Care                                                                          $60 Copay*
                            Deductible      Deductible     Deductible      Deductible                      Deductible
      Emergency Room
                               70% after Deductible            70% after Deductible               $500 Copay*
      Pharmacy Plan                In-Network                      In-Network                      In-Network

      Retail Prescription

      (30-day supply)
        Generic                  70% after Deductible            70% after Deductible               $10 Copay*
        Brand Preferred          60% after Deductible            60% after Deductible               $35 Copay*
        Brand Non-preferred      50% after Deductible            50% after Deductible               $60 Copay*

      (30-day supply)
        Generic                        $0                              $0                           $10 Copay*
        Brand Preferred                $0                              $0                           $35 Copay*
        Brand Non-preferred      70% after Deductible            70% after Deductible               $60 Copay*

       *Copays do not count towards meeting your deductible, but they do count against your out-of-pocket costs. **Pharmacy Out-Of-Network is 50% after Deductible
       Important notice if you use nicotine/tobacco

       Going nicotine- and tobacco-free is one of the most important steps you can take to maintain good health. If you enroll in our medical plan and
       you use nicotine/tobacco or have used tobacco products during the last twelve months, you will be required to pay a tobacco surcharge of $30
       per month in addition to your regular medical premiums. Call 1-800-244-6224 or visit to begin the process of quitting today.

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