Page 28 - 2022 SoFi Benefits Guide
P. 28
How to Find an In-Network Provider
Please use the Cigna Directory Link to search for Cigna A PROVIDER
network providers depending upon your location and 1. Go to
the plans you are considering enrolling in.
2. Select “Find a Provider” near the top right corner
1. Access the Cigna Directory Link of the home page or click Here
2. Enter your city and then choose how you want 3. Then select either Vision: VSP for the VSP option
to search (doctor type, doctor by name or health or Vision: EyeMed Access Plan Network from the
facilities). applicable vision drop-down menu.
3. Click “Continue as guest” 4. Click on the first red link in each option
4. Confirm your city and state, and then click 5. You will then go to either VSP or
“Continue” EyeMed’s website:
5. Select a plan (please see below based on location) For VSP – choose the Choice network
For EyeMed – choose the Access network
Cigna PPO Plan: Choose the PPO, Choice Fund
PPO plan.
Cigna PPO HDHP with HSA Plan: Choose the
PPO, Choice Fund PPO plan.
Cigna OAPIN: Choose the Open Access Plus, OA
Plus, Choice Fund OA Plus plan which is the first
option in the OAP section.
All Other States
Visit and click the find a dentist
Non-Utah Employees, regardless of the plan you are link on the right.
choosing, choose the “Open Access Plus, OA Plus,
Choice Fund OA Plus” plan which is the first option in Choose either Dental PPO (richer plan benefits) or
the OAP section. the Premier PPO network.