Page 7 - 2022 Penn Engineering Guide
P. 7

Your 2022 Benefit Offerings

         Health Savings Accounts                                                          TELEMEDICINE through
         You are eligible for a Health Savings Account (H S A) only if you elect the Consumer Driven   MDLive®

         Health Plan (CDHP) High Deductible PPO Plan. A Health Savings Account is a tax- favored
         account used in conjunction with a qualifying high deductible health plan, as defined by the IRS.
                                                                                          Administrators offers
                                                                                          Telemedicine to all eligible
         For 2022, PennEngineering will be funding H S A’s according to the following schedule:
                                                                                          plan members through
         Single tier: $ 500.00
                                                                                          MDLive®. Telemedicine
         All other tiers: $ 1,000.00                                                      allows for the timely delivery
                                                                                          of high-quality healthcare at
         Please see page 7 for important information on Health Savings Accounts for the 2022 Plan year.   a lower cost compared to
                                                                                          visiting the emergency room
         Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
                                                                                          or an urgent care center.
         A PPO is a group of physicians, hospitals and other providers who form a “network” to provide   Plan members access care
         quality, comprehensive medical coverage. If you elect the PPO option, a list of participating   from a licensed physician by
         providers is available online at                               calling a toll-free number,
                                                                                          logging into a secure
         You are required to make contributions for coverage. See rate information on page 19. These   website, or opening a
         premiums will be a pre-tax deduction from your weekly paycheck. You will be subject to   mobile app from where it’s
                                                                                          most convenient. $40.00 co-
         deductibles and out-of- pocket maximums for most services provided by a network provider.
                                                                                          pay required after
         You will also have to make co-payments toward the cost of some covered medical expenses. If
         you receive medical services from an out-of- network provider, you may receive reimbursement

         for your covered expenses, but at a different level of coverage than if the service had been   MDLive® makes phone
         performed by a network provider.                                                 consultations available
                                                                                          24/7/365, including holidays.
         Please visit: and register. Email or print temporary ID cards;   Video conferences can be
         request additional ID cards; check your cost sharing; view your claims; Download the myibxtpa   scheduled 7 days a week.
         benefits App. Start to navigate healthcare services.                             Doctors are U.S. board
                                                                                          certified with an average of
         The Myibxtpa Benefit App is also available and offers you the same convenient access from   15+ years’ experience and
                                                                                          can treat a wide range of
         your iPhone® or Android™.
                                                                                          conditions. MDLive® is
         Vision Plan                                                                      HIPAA-compliant.

         The Vision Plan is provided by Vision Benefits of America (VBA). This PPO Plan covers
                                                                                          Telemedicine is meant for
         PennEngineering employees at no cost and allows the employee to add dependents at
                                                                                          non- emergency situations
         reasonable weekly rates. See rate information on page 19.                        only.

         Vision Frequency of Service:                                                     Please refer to the
             •   Exam: every 12 months                                                    highlights sheet for
             •   Lenses: every 12 months                                                  specifics.
             •   Frames: Every 24 months
             •   Most In-network expenses are covered at 100% with a $20 co-pay for eyewear.
                                                                                          Phone: 1-888-956-6411

         Wholesale allowances for frames and contacts. Visit the VBA website to locate a provider and

         request your Benefit Form, by calling: 1-800-432-4966. Visit:

         Please see the detailed VBA packet. If you do not obtain a Benefit form, the Vision charges will

         be considered Out-of-Network unless your Provider files vision claims electronically.
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