Page 11 - 2022 Penn Engineering Guide
P. 11

Your Health Coverage

        CDHP – High Deductible PPO Plan Costs for In-Network versus Out-of-Network Providers

                                                       In-Network                        Out-of-Network
         Annual Calendar Year Deductible   $2,500 Individual / $5,000 all other tiers   $5,000 Individual / $10,000 all
                                          $2,800 Individual Min Deductible Family   other tiers
                                           After satisfying the deductible, the Plan
                                          will begin to pay a large portion of your
                                          covered eligible expenses. You are still
                                          responsible for Co-pays for certain
                                          services: Office visits, emergency room,
                                          inpatient/outpatient hospital services, and
         Co-payment after Deductible     $20 per office visit / $30 specialist office   30% of most covered eligible
                                         visit                                expenses after deductible.
                                         $100 per emergency room visit
                                         $100/day up to (5) days – Inpatient Hospital
                                         $10/40/60 Non-Preventive Prescriptions
         Annual Out of Pocket Maximum    $6,750 Single, $13,500 all other tiers
          Affordable Care Act (ACA) Maximum   Once you have reached your out of pocket
                                         maximum during the calendar year, the   Unlimited
                                         plan will pay 100% of the eligible expenses

                                         through the end of the year.
         Your Weekly Cost for Coverage   See rate information on page 19.     See rate information on page 19.
         Lifetime Maximum                No Limit                             No Limit
        Here’s a partial listing of covered expenses under the CDHP Option. Refer to your Summary Plan Description for a complete
        listing of covered expenses.
        Consumer Driven Health Plan (CDHP) High Deductible PPO Summary of Covered Expense:

         Covered Expense                            In-Network Provider               Out-of-Network Provider
         Allergy Treatments              90% after deductible                   70% of covered charges after
         Ambulance Service               100% when medically necessary;         same as in-network
                                         otherwise not covered
         Blood Donation                  90%; after deductible (when            same as in-network
                                         donating for self or
                                         immediate family member)
         Chiropractic Care               90% of covered charges                 70% of covered charges after
                                         after deductible                       deductible

         Colonoscopy                     100%; no deductible                    same as in-network

         Diagnostic X-ray and Lab Services   90% of covered charges after deductible;   70% of covered charges after
         Emergency Room Visits           90% after deductible; $100 co-payment   same as in-network
         Home Health Care                90%; after deductible; requires        70% of covered charges after
                                         pre-certification                      deductible; requires pre-certification
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