Page 15 - 2022 Penn Engineering Guide
P. 15
Flexible Spending Accounts
Administered by WageWorks®. WageWorks® handles the processing of all Health Care and
Dependent Care FSA claims.
WageWorks® offers:
• Debit Card
• Participant Website
• EZ Receipts
• Daily processing
• Automatic Processing
• Account Activity Statements
• Toll-free customer support M-F 8am – 8pm EST
• Pay my Provider
• Pay me Back
Please refer to the WageWorks® Brochure for additional details. Once enrolled you will receive
a welcome kit with instructions on how to register
A Flexible Spending Account allows you to pay for unreimbursed health care and dependent
care expenses with pre-tax dollars through the Health Care and Dependent Care Flexible
Spending Accounts (FSAs).
You may contribute $2,850 annually to the Health Care FSA (from $2 to $54.80 per week)
and $5,000 annually to the Dependent Care FSA (from $2 to $96.15 per week).
How the Health Care and Dependent Care FSAs Work
Your contributions are taken directly from your pay before federal income and Social
Security taxes are withheld. With your gross income reduced, you pay fewer taxes over the
year. When you use the FSA’s to pay for eligible health and dependent care expenses, your
contributions go into your account before taxes are taken out and are paid to you in tax-free
dollars when you have eligible expenses.
Your Health Care FSA
You may use your Health Care Flexible Spending Account for eligible health care expenses
incurred during the Plan Year that are not reimbursed by any other health care plan. When you
incur an eligible expense not covered by any other plan, you may use your debit card for
immediate payment from your account. At any time during the Plan Year, you may receive
reimbursement for eligible expenses up to the full amount you elected to contribute for the
year, even if your claim is more than your current account balance. Some examples of eligible
expenses include:
• deductibles or co-payments for medical, dental, vision, and Rx
• medical and dental plan expenses that exceed reasonable and customary charges, and
• other uncovered medical expenses that qualify as medical deductions on your federal
income tax return, such as eyeglasses and hearing aids.