Page 21 - TruckPro-2022-Benefit Guide-FINAL
P. 21

Benefit costs

          Your payroll contributions for medical, dental and vision benefits are shown here.

                                          Platinum HSA Plan           Bronze HSA Plan            Silver PPO Plan
                  BCBS Medical
            (without tobacco surcharge)
                                       Bi-weekly     Monthly      Bi-weekly     Monthly     Bi-weekly     Monthly
           Employee Only                $122.24      $264.85       $78.42       $169.90      $106.33       $230.38
           Employee + Spouse/DP         $291.89      $632.42       $207.47      $449.52      $285.32       $618.19

           Employee + Child(ren)        $232.67      $504.12       $163.31      $353.83      $218.23       $472.83
           Family                       $352.80      $764.40       $237.50      $514.59      $349.52       $757.30

          Tobacco Surcharge – If you, your spouse/DP, and/or child(ren) over the age of 18 smoke, chew tobacco, use electronic cigarettes
          or other tobacco products, you will be subjected to an additional surcharge of $85.00 per person per month or $39.23 biweekly
          (up to three people).
          As a reminder: If you make any intentional false statements about your tobacco use, you will be subject to disciplinary action,
          up to and including termination.

                                            Incentive PPO              Passive PPO                  DHMO
                  Cigna Dental
                                       Bi-weekly     Monthly      Bi-weekly    Monthly      Bi-weekly     Monthly

           Employee Only                 $6.80        $14.73       $10.44       $22.62        $4.01        $8.68
           Employee + Spouse/DP         $11.51        $24.93       $18.61       $40.33        $5.83        $12.64

           Employee + Child(ren)        $12.97        $28.11       $20.98       $45.46        $6.87        $14.89
           Family                       $20.60        $44.63       $33.32       $72.19       $10.16        $22.02

                                             Vision Blue
                  BCBS Vision
                                       Bi-weekly     Monthly

           Employee Only                 $1.94        $4.20
           Employee + Spouse/DP          $5.04        $10.92

           Employee + Child(ren)         $5.04        $10.92
           Family                        $5.04        $10.92

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