Page 14 - 2022 Intapp Benefits Guide
P. 14
Additional benefits
Parental Leave Requests for Parental Leave
The Parental Leave Program is a paid leave benefit The employee must provide his or her manager and the
provided by Intapp for the birth of an employee’s own HR Team with written notice of the request for parental
child or the placement of a child with the employee in leave at least 30 days prior to the proposed date of the
connection with adoption or foster care. The amount leave (or if the leave was not foreseeable, as soon as
of paid leave an employee is eligible to take is sixteen possible). The employee must complete the necessary
(16) weeks for a primary caregiver or eight (8) weeks HR forms and provide all documentation as required by
for a secondary caregiver. Both primary (birth parent) the HR department to substantiate the request. Also,
and secondary (non- birth parent) caregiver leaves are Intapp may require periodic reports concerning the
referred to collectively as “parental leave.” employee’s status and return to work date.
● Each week of parental leave is compensated at 100% of
the employee’s regular base pay. Parental leave will be Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
paid on Intapp’s normal payroll cycle and is subject to all If you have been with the company for 12 months, you may
usual deductions (taxes, enrolled benefits, etc.). be eligible for up to 12 work weeks of unpaid leave per year
● To the extent employees are eligible for wage substitution under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). FMLA can
benefits (such as Paid Family Leave in California), Intapp be used for an illness of your own, care needed for a family
requires employees to apply for such benefits, and the member, care for a newborn and certain other medical needs.
paid leave benefits under this Program will be coordinated
with these wage substitution benefits such that the
employee will receive his or her full base pay.
● Effective July 1, 2019, employees may take an approved
parental leave at any time during the 12-month period
immediately following the birth, adoption, or foster
placement of a child with the employee. Parental leave
must be completed within one year following the birth
or placement giving rise to the leave.
● Parental leave may be taken intermittently (in increments
of no shorter than two weeks) and shall not exceed
sixteen (16) weeks in the case of a primary caregiver
or eight (8) weeks in the case of a secondary caregiver
during a 12-month period, as measured backwards,
on a rolling basis, based on the date the parental leave
● Upon termination of the individual’s employment
at Intapp, he or she will not be paid for any unused
parental leave for which he or she was eligible.
To be eligible for the Parental Leave Program, an employee
must be a full-time, regular employee, work 30 hours or
more per week, and have been employed with Intapp for at
least six months before the start of parental leave. Part-time
employees (i.e., those working fewer than 30 hours per
week), temporary employees, contractors and interns are
not eligible for parental leave.